Saturday, December 7, 2019

Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn an-Naysābūrī: I said to Ibrāhīm ibn Thābit before leaving his gathering, “Advise me.”...

Muammad ibn al-usayn an-Naysābūrī:

I said to Ibrāhīm ibn Thābit before leaving his gathering, “Advise me.”
So he said, “Leave off that which you will come to regret.”

Narrated by al-Khaīb al-Baghdādī in at-Tārīkh al-Kabīr (6/49)

قال محمد بن الحسين النيسابوري:
قلت لإبراهيم بن ثابت وقت مفارقته أوصني،
فقال: (دع ما تندم عليه)

(٦/٤٩)رواه الخطيب في تاريخ بغداد

Translation by

9 May 19, 5:39 PM