Saturday, April 20, 2019

Random Quote of the Day

قال بعض السلف:
"قد أصبح بنا من نعم الله تعالى ما لا نحصيه مع كثرة ما نعصيه، فلا
ندري أيهما نشكر،؟ أجميلُ ما ينشر أم قبيح ما يستر ...؟"

ابو زياد خالد باقيس

٤/٨/١٤٣٧, ١١:ص ٤٨

Some of the Salaf said:

There is bestowed upon us so many uncountable blessings of Allah the Most High, although we disobey Him much, so we don’t know which is more worthy of being thankful for; should it be our good He spreads (amongst the people), or our evil that He conceals (from the people)…?

Translated by Anwar Wright


1/19/16, 2:25 AM