Sunday, December 16, 2018

[To Speak about Allah without Knowledge] It is the origin of Shirk and Disbelief... - Shaykh 'Arafat al-Muhammady (may Allaah preserve & protect him)

[القول على الله بلا علم]

هو أصل الشرك والكفر
وعليه أسست البدع والضلالات
وليس في جنس المحرمات أعظم عند الله منه ولاأشد إثما منه.
  ٢٨٤/١ المدارج

عرفات بن حسن المحمدي

٣٠/١/١٤٣٦, ١٠:  ص١٥

[To Speak about Allah without Knowledge]

It is the origin of Shirk and Disbelief and upon it is built Innovations and Misguidance and there is no type of Forbiddance greater than it with Allah and no sin in which is more severe than it.


Translated by Ozan Bedir


11/23/14, 11:50 AM