Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Malik bin Dinar reported: If the scholar does not act upon his knowledge, his admonishments will cease to affect...

Malik bin Dinar reported:

If the scholar does not act upon his knowledge, his admonishments will cease to affect the hearts of the people, just as the drop of water slides off the smooth stone.

He also said:

The scholar who does not act upon his knowledge is similar to the smooth stone, if the drop of water falls on it; it (quickly) glides off.

He likewise stated:

If the student seeks knowledge with the intention of acting upon it, his knowledge will humble him, but if he seeks it for other than this, he will increase in a sin or pride.

Source: Eqtidaa al ‘Elm al ‘Amal by Imam Khateeb al Baghdadee pgs. 34 & 62

Translated by  Mustafa George DeBerry



10/3/15, 7:42 AM