Shaikh Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) said that Imaam As-Sadi
(rahimahullaah) told him that it has been stated about Al-Kisaa’iy – an Imaam
of the people of Koofah- that he sought after [i.e. attempted to learn] the
Knowledge of Arabic grammar but was not able to [accomplish it properly]. Then
one day, he found an ant that was carrying some food whilst climbing a wall and
kept on falling whenever it climbed up; but it persevered [or persisted] until
it overcame that difficulty [or obstacle] and climbed the wall. Al-Kisaa’iy
said [i.e. to himself]: This ant persevered [or persisted] until it reached its
goal! So he, [also] persevered until he became an Imaam in Arabic grammar.
[Sharh Hilyati Taalibil Ilm, page. 207. Refer to Arabic text]
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10/31/18, 10:54 AM