Originally posted on September 11, 2011
بـسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم
(no. 2604) of Shaikh al-Albaanee – rahimahullaah):
From Khuraym ibn Faatik al-Asadee –radiyallaahu
‘anhu- that the Prophet ﷺ said:
<<The people are four, and the deeds
are six.
So the people are:
[i] one granted plenty in this world and in
the Hereafter, and
[ii] one granted plenty in this world, poor in
the Hereafter and,
[iii] one poor in this world, granted plenty
in the Hereafter and,
[iv] one wretched in this world and in the
and the deeds are:
[i& ii] The two which are binding, and
[iii & iv] like for like, and
[v] ten times more, and
[vi] seven hundred times more:
[i & ii] So the two which are binding are:
Whoever dies as a Muslim, a Believer, not
associating anything with Allaah – then Paradise is binding for him; and
whoever dies as a Disbeliever – then the Fire is binding for him; and
[iii & iv] Whoever intends an evil deed
but does not do it, and Allaah knows that his heart felt it and desired it,
then it is written as a good deeds for him; and whoever intended an evil deed
then it is not written against him; and whoever did it then it is written as
one, and it is not multiplied for him, and
[v] whoever did a good deed – then ten times
its like is written for him, and
[vi] whoever spends something in Allaah’s
cause, then it is multiplied for him seven hundred times over.>>
Reported by Ahmad (4/345), Ibn Hibbaan (no.
31), and Ibn Abee Shaybah in his ‘Musnad’ (2/38/2).
-Shaikh al-Albaanee declared its chain of
narration to be ‘Saheeh’.
[Translated by Aboo Talhah Dawood ibn Ronald Burbank]
For original, genuine & safe copy kindly download PDF here>> https://alitisaambissunnah.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/073-the-people-are-4-and-the-deeds-are-61.pdf
This is recently tweeted by Masjid us Sunnah
(@Masjidussunnah) on which I include for those who don’t know the late Ustādh
Abū Ṭalḥa Dāwūd Burbank (رحمه
Ustādh Abu Idrīs Muḥammad
الله shared an inspirational story on Sincerity giving an example of his teacher Abū
Ṭalḥa Dāwūd Burbank (رحم
الله رحمة واسعة)
Abū Ṭalḥa;
my teacher was a fitting example in this
regard. He never wanted to be in the limelight and never ever conducted a khuṭbah (Friday sermon). He authored a book (Tafsīr Sūrah al-Nabāʾ) and did not know how to publish it, nor did he know much about
buying and selling; he did not know where to start. He published his book but
was then stuck with several copies. I helped him arranged for his books to be
sold in East London. They requested that we come down and complete the
transaction. One of them called me and asked if Abū Ṭalḥa
could deliver a lecture (as he had never give one in London before), so I
relayed this message. He refused and asked me to do it. I said, “How can I speak
in front of you and you are my teacher?” They persisted and said,”We have heard
you before, now we want to hear him (Abū Ṭalḥa). So, I conveyed their message back to him and he responded saying, “By Allāh! The
fact that they want to hear me, I will not deliver a lecture there!”
Sincerity! And only Allāh knows what in his heart, but we judge, as ‘Umar
ibn Khaṭṭāb said, based on the apparent. Look at how he returned to
Allāh. He was in the state of iḥrām, making the talbiyah intending to
perform Ḥajj.
The Prophet (ﷺ), “Whoever dies
in the state of iḥrām will be resurrected on the Day of Judgement making the talbiyah.”
When the people will be in a fearful state as if they are
intoxicated on that great day, the likes of these individuals in iḥrām
will come saying the talbiyah. Abū Ṭalḥa died in a fire and the Prophet (ﷺ) informed us
that the one who dies in a fire is a martyr. He was buried in the most sacred
place on the face of the earth. Over three million people prayed over him and
his wife. After his death, there was not a corner of the world except that they
mentioned his name. Even the disbelievers said about him, ‘a renowned and a
pious translator has passed away.’
Everyone mentioned his name when he died although this was something he fled
from a while he was alive. Look how Allāh blessed him. It is Allāh who raises a person. We don’t
seek knowledge because we want to be raised, but we do so because we desire to
become humble servants before Allāh.
29 Jumadá al-thanī 1439 | 17th March 2018
Speaker: Abu Idrīs Muḥammad
May Allāh grant Abū Ṭalḥa and his wife a highest place in Paradise. Ameen