Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How often do you remember Allāh?!

Indeed, remembering Allāh often is a safeguard from hypocrisy, for the hypocrites remember Allāh only a little as Allāh says about them:

وَلاَ يَذْكُرُونَ اللهَّ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا ...

“… and they do not remember Allah except a little”[Surah Nisa, v. 142]

Taken from the book “Fiqhul Ad’yati wal Adhkār” of Shaykh ‘Abdurrazāq Al-Badr

Tower Hamlets Dawah | @DawahTH

10/5/18, 12:41 AM

The People are 4, and the Deeds are 6

Originally posted on September 11, 2011 

بـسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم


(From ‘AS-SAHEEHAH’ (no. 2604) of Shaikh al-Albaanee – rahimahullaah):

From Khuraym ibn Faatik al-Asadee –radiyallaahu ‘anhu- that the Prophet said:

<<The people are four, and the deeds are six.

So the people are:

[i] one granted plenty in this world and in the Hereafter, and
[ii] one granted plenty in this world, poor in the Hereafter and,
[iii] one poor in this world, granted plenty in the Hereafter and,
[iv] one wretched in this world and in the Hereafter;

and the deeds are:

[i& ii] The two which are binding, and
[iii & iv] like for like, and
[v] ten times more, and
[vi] seven hundred times more:

[i & ii] So the two which are binding are:

Whoever dies as a Muslim, a Believer, not associating anything with Allaah – then Paradise is binding for him; and whoever dies as a Disbeliever – then the Fire is binding for him; and

[iii & iv] Whoever intends an evil deed but does not do it, and Allaah knows that his heart felt it and desired it, then it is written as a good deeds for him; and whoever intended an evil deed then it is not written against him; and whoever did it then it is written as one, and it is not multiplied for him, and

[v] whoever did a good deed – then ten times its like is written for him, and

[vi] whoever spends something in Allaah’s cause, then it is multiplied for him seven hundred times over.>>

Reported by Ahmad (4/345), Ibn Hibbaan (no. 31), and Ibn Abee Shaybah in his ‘Musnad’ (2/38/2).

-Shaikh al-Albaanee declared its chain of narration to be ‘Saheeh’.

[Translated by Aboo Talhah Dawood ibn Ronald Burbank]

For  original, genuine & safe copy kindly download PDF here>>


This is recently tweeted by Masjid us Sunnah (@Masjidussunnah) on which I include for those who don’t know the late Ustādh Abū ala Dāwūd Burbank (رحمه الله).

Ustādh Abu Idrīs Muammad ((حفظه الله shared an inspirational story on Sincerity giving an example of his teacher Abū ala Dāwūd Burbank (رحم الله رحمة واسعة)

Abū ala; my teacher  was a fitting example in this regard. He never wanted to be in the limelight and never ever conducted a khubah (Friday sermon). He authored a book (Tafsīr Sūrah al-Nabāʾ) and did not know how to publish it, nor did he know much about buying and selling; he did not know where to start. He published his book but was then stuck with several copies. I helped him arranged for his books to be sold in East London. They requested that we come down and complete the transaction. One of them called me and asked if Abū ala could deliver a lecture (as he had never give one in London before), so I relayed this message. He refused and asked me to do it. I said, “How can I speak in front of you and you are my teacher?” They persisted and said,”We have heard you before, now we want to hear him (Abū ala). So, I conveyed their message  back to him and he responded saying, “By Allāh! The fact that they want to hear me, I will not deliver a lecture there!”

Sincerity! And only Allāh knows what in his heart, but we judge, as ‘Umar ibn Khaṭṭāb said, based on the apparent. Look at how he returned to Allāh. He was in the state of irām, making the talbiyah intending to perform ajj.

The Prophet (), “Whoever dies in the state of irām will be resurrected  on the Day of Judgement making the talbiyah.”

When the people will be in a fearful state as if they are intoxicated on that great day, the likes of these individuals in irām will come saying the talbiyah. Abū ala died in a fire and the Prophet () informed us that the one who dies in a fire is a martyr. He was buried in the most sacred place on the face of the earth. Over three million people prayed over him and his wife. After his death, there was not a corner of the world except that they mentioned his name. Even the disbelievers said about him, ‘a renowned and a pious  translator has passed away.’ Everyone mentioned his name when he died although this was something he fled from a while he was alive. Look how Allāh blessed him. It is Allāh who raises a person. We don’t seek knowledge because we want to be raised, but we do so because we desire to become humble servants before Allāh.

Lecture Conducted  at Masjid Daar us Sunnah entitled, “Sincerity is The Path To Salvation” 
29 Jumadá al-thanī 1439 | 17th March 2018
Speaker: Abu Idrīs Muammad

May Allāh grant Abū ala and his wife a highest place in Paradise. Ameen

Random Quote of the Day

9/23/18, 9:46 AM

Imām ‘Abdul ‘Azeez bin Bāz رحمه الله  said:

The Qurān was revealed in order to call (the people) to noble mannerisms & good actions, & the greatest of them is the Tawheed of Allāh, being sincere to Him & singling Him out alone for worship.

[Sharh Kitāb al-Jāmi min Buloog al-Marām pg. 102]

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Allāh commands us in the Quran: “Flee to Allāh!

فَفِرُّوا إِلَى اللَّهِ ۖ إِنِّي لَكُم مِّنْهُ نَذِيرٌ مُّبِينٌ (50)

So flee to Allah. Indeed, I am to you from Him a clear warner. (Adh-Dhariyat 51: 50)

Allāh commands us in the Quran:

“Flee to Allāh!

This is to flee from:

1. Ignorance to knowledge
2. Disbelief to faith
3. Disobedience to obedience
4. Heedlessness to the remembrance of Allāh

Whoever perfects these things has perfected the entire religion.

Tafsīr Sa’dī 

Translated by Hassan Somali (may Allah preserve & protect him)

Source:, 10/6/18, 12:48 AM

Friday, November 23, 2018

Random Quote of the Day

فواز بن علي المدخلي @fzmhm12121

قال شيخنا العلامة ربيع بن هادي المدخلي حفظه الله:
السلفيون لا يقبلون الأقوال إلا إذا قامت على الحجج والبراهين.
عمدة الأبي ص ٤١٧_

Shaykh Rab’ī al-Madkhalī (May Allah preserve him) stated:

“The Salafiyūn do not accept statements, unless if it’s based upon proofs and evidences.”

Masjid At-Tawheed


2/25/18, 10:36 PM

Excerpt from A Brief Biography of Ibn Abee Aasim ash-Shaybaanee

Abu ash-Shaykh said: I heard my son narrate from Abu Abdullaah al-Kasaa`ee; I heard ibn Abee Aasim say: When the affair of al-Alawee occurred in Basrah all of my books were lost, so I re-wrote fifty thousand ahaadeeth from memory. I used to go to the greengrocers’ shop and write using the light of his lamp. Then I realised that I had not asked the permission of the owner of the lamp [to sit in its light] so I went to the sea and washed away all I had written and wrote it again.

[Ibn Katheer, ‘al-Bidaayah wan Nihaayah’ (11/96); adh-Dhahabee, ‘Siyar’ (13/430-439); Ibn Hajr, ‘Lisaan al-Meezaan’ (7/298)]

Excerpt from: Biographies of the Early Salaf 1 : (151H - 400H) | A Brief Biography of Ibn Abee Aasim ash-Shaybaanee  | Article ID : SRH040002


Kindly read the full article here >> :

Imām Aḥmad Ibn Yaḥyā al-Najmīʾs (d. 1429H) Supplication for Those Who Study These Affairs of ʿAqīdah

Imām Amad Ibn Yayā al-Najmīʾs (d. 1429H) Supplication for Those Who Study These Affairs of ʿAqīdah

Imām Amad Ibn Yayā al-Najmī (رَحِمَهُ اللهُ) said,

اللَّهمَّ املأ قُلُوبنا إيمانًا ويقينًا، وامنحنا عافيةً تَحْفظ بها قُلُوبنا من الزَّيغ حتَّى نَلقاك.

“O Allah fill our hearts with firm belief and certainty, and confer upon us well-being, by which You guard our hearts from deviation, up until we meet You.” Refer  to Fat al-Rabb al-Ghafūr Dhū al-Ramah (p. 54) of Amad al-Najmī.

Class Benefit: Obligations Required of Every Muslim

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Random Quote of the Day

Ibn Taymiyah:

Bidah starts as a handspan, then its followers increase until it becomes armlenghts, then miles, then farsakhs.

(Majmu 8/425)

Translated by: Ustaadh Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq (حفظه الله

TheNobleQuran.Com | TawhidFirst.Com | PiousMuslim.Com |  Aqidah.Com | | | | Manhaj.Com | Bidah.Com | Kharijites.Com | Asharis.Com | Maturidis.Com | Mutazilah.Com | | Shariah.Ws | Takfiris.Com| Ikhwanis.Com| Barelwis.Com | Nabahani.Com | SayyidQutb.Com | Shia.BS | IslamJesus.Ws | Dajjaal.Com | IbnTaymiyyah.Com | Salafis.Com | TheMadkhalis.Com | Wahhabis.Com | Madeenah.Org | FatwaIslam.Com |

Al-Barbahāri said: “All desires (ahwā and innovations) are evil…”

Al-Barbahāri said: “All desires (ahwā and innovations) are evil…”

Shaikh Al-Fawzān commented: “The one who goes along with the people wherever they go, becoming a blind-follower, not thinking or examining what they are upon – this is a person of desires.”

(Ithāf Al-Qāri 2/220)

Translation: Ustādh Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid (حفظه الله)

11/7/18, 8:00 PM

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Ahlul Bidah Can Never Impress The Firm Imaams of The Sunnah

10/5/18, 12:09 AM

Layth ibn Sad (rahimahullaah) said:

If I saw a man of bidah walking upon water, I [still] would not accept from him. So Ash-Shaafiee (rahimahullaah) said: Indeed, he [Layth] has fallen short [in his statement]; If I saw him [i.e. a man of bidah walking in the air, I [still] would not accept from him.

Talbees Iblees of Ibn Jawzee, page. 20

Masjid al-Furqaan Stoke on Tent


Quotes Creator

Random Quote of the Day

قال الشيخ صالح بن فوزان الفوزان حفظه الله:
إذ لم تتبع ما عليه رسول الله
وخلفاؤه الراشدون.
تغرق في هذه الفتنة.

شرح وصية النبي ١٣ ص  

العلامة صالح الفوزان
٥/٢٨/١٤٣٩, ١:٣٣ ص

Shaykh Sālih al-Fawzān stated:

If you don’t follow that which the Messenger of Allah and his rightly guided Khulafā were upon, then you will drown in trials and tribulations!

Translation: Masjid At-Tawheed | @TawheedMasjid

2/14/18, 2:27 AM

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Imam Muqbil al-Wādi’ī said: “The reality is that the call of the Muslim Brotherhood is a mixture (of everything)...

الواقع أن دعوة الإخوان المسلمين لفيف، ففيها الصوفي، وفيها الشيعي، وفيها السني، وفيها الفويسق، وفيها المادي، وفيها الجاسوس.. وزاد الطين بِلِّة دخول مشايخ القبائل فيها، فيها الحاكمون بالأسلاف والأعراف الطاغوتية، وكم نعدد من البلايا!.

قمع المعاند 330

العلامة مقبل الوادعي


Imam Muqbil al-Wādi’ī said:

“The reality is that the call of the Muslim Brotherhood is a mixture (of everything). In there is the Sūfī, the Sunnī, the corrupt, the greedy, the undercover…”

Sounds like many of these present day claimants of knowledge and Dawah organizations.

Translation: @GtownMasji|

9/30/18, 4:05 PM

An Encouragement For all of Us Still Learning The Arabic Language Or About to Start: [Ask Allaah For Tawfeeq, Persevere, Do What You Can Slowly & There Is No Race Against Time

Shaikh Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) said that Imaam As-Sadi (rahimahullaah) told him that it has been stated about Al-Kisaa’iy – an Imaam of the people of Koofah- that he sought after [i.e. attempted to learn] the Knowledge of Arabic grammar but was not able to [accomplish it properly]. Then one day, he found an ant that was carrying some food whilst climbing a wall and kept on falling whenever it climbed up; but it persevered [or persisted] until it overcame that difficulty [or obstacle] and climbed the wall. Al-Kisaa’iy said [i.e. to himself]: This ant persevered [or persisted] until it reached its goal! So he, [also] persevered until he became an Imaam in Arabic grammar.

[Sharh Hilyati Taalibil Ilm, page. 207. Refer to Arabic text]

The Salaficentre of Manchester | @SalafiCentre

10/31/18, 10:54 AM

Al-ʿAllāmah Ṣāliḥ ibn Fawzān al-Fawzān: Public Protests and Demonstrations are Not the Solution:

Al-ʿAllāmah āli ibn Fawzān al-Fawzān: Public Protests and Demonstrations are Newly Invented Trials and Tribulations:

Al-ʿAllāmah āli ibn Fawzān al-Fawzān -āfiahullāh- said, Our Religion is not a Religion of chaos, our Religion is a Religion of discipline, a Religion of organization and a Religion of tranquility.

And public protests and demonstrations are not from the practices of the Muslims. And the Muslims did not used to be familiar with such activities. And the Religion of Islām is a Religion of peace and a Religion of mercy. There is no chaos in it, nor any confusion, nor incitement of fitan (trials, tribulations). This is the Religion of Islām and it grants the people their rights without the utilization of this method, by means of the Sharīʿah. These public protests and demonstrations are newly invented fitan and they have introduced the spilling of blood and the destruction of wealth. So these affairs are not permissible.

Refer to the audio recording, Fatāwā al-ʿUlamāfī al-Ightiyālāt wa al-Taffīrāt, available from Minhāj al-Sunnah Recordings in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


8/31/13, 6:09 PM

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Random Quote of the Day

Mālik ibn Anas (رحمه الله) said:

Verily a people desired worship (only) and left seeking knowledge, so they revolted against the Ummah of Muammad with swords! If they had sought knowledge it would have prevented them from that!

Miftā Dār as-Sa’ādah 1/119


2/21/18, 5:51 PM

Reviling & dishonouring the Major Scholars

Question 25:

It is noticed in this time that some of the students of knowledge revile the major scholars if they (the scholars) do not say that which agrees with their desires or their wish or their beliefs, what is your opinion?

Answer 25:

We ask Allaah for guidance for ourselves and them, and the people of knowledge and other than them are obligated to guard against backbiting and to respect the honour of the Muslims, and to guard against tale carrying. Its an obligation to guard against all of these due to backbiting and tale carrying being the most abhorrent of characteristics; therefore the Muslim is obligated to guard against all of them.

Backbiting is to mention about your brother that which he dislikes and tale carrying is to transmit evil speech from people to another people or from an individual to another individual, because it gives rise to enmity and rancour. And all of the Muslims are obligated to guard against backbiting and tale carrying, and to respect the honour of the Muslims, especially the people of knowledge, to respect their honour and guard against speech in regards to their honour.

As for (the speech concerning) the one who makes apparent evil or innovation then it is not considered backbiting him.1

1. Imaam Abdul Azeez bin Baaz, Sualaat ibn Wahaf, pp. 34-35

Translation: Abu Tasneem Mushaf


Reviling & dishonouring the Major Scholars.pdf

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