Shaikh Muqbil Bin Haadee
(rahimahullaah) said:
“We do not have time to
defend ourselves; but we [defend[ the Sunnah. And even if we are tormented by way
of fierce battle, we will not leave anyone who speak against the Sunnah of the
Messenger [Sallaal-laahu-alayhi wa-alaa-aalihi-wasallam] be he a Shee’ee, a Soofee or from Ikhwaan al-Muslimeen [i.e. the deviated sect- the Muslim
brotherhood of Egypt and else-where] because we are to sacrifice [ourselves]
for the Sunnah and our objective is the Sunnah.”
نصائح و فضائح Source: 54
Translation source: Masjid
Al-Furqaan (Stoke on Tent)