Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Love for the poor is from Imaan! - by Abu Hakeem Bilal أبو حكيم بلال

Originally posted on June 23, 2012 by Ustaadh Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis for ah-sp.com


Upon the authority of Ibn Abbaas – Radhiyallahu Anhu who said: the messenger of Allah – Sallallahu alaihi was salam said: 

“My lord came to me tonight (while asleep) in the most beautiful form! And said:

“Do you know what those in the highest gathering are arguing about? So I said: “No” so he placed his hand between my shoulders until I felt the coolness of his hand (and in a version ‘His fingertips’) between my breast then I was acquainted with knowledge of that which is in the heavens and that which is on the earth. So He said: “Oh Muhammad! (Now) do you know what the highest gathering are arguing about? So I said:

“Yes! (They are arguing) concerning that which expiates sins and that which raises one in level!

(As for) the expiations (then they are):

(1) “to remain in the masjid after the prayers,

(2) To walk, by foot to the congregational prayers and, 

(3) Perfecting ones wudhu in difficult conditions (i.e. cold etc.)

So he said: You have spoken the truth Oh Muhammad! And whosoever does so, lives upon good and dies upon good, and is purified from his sin like the day his mother gave birth to him!. And he said: “Oh Muhammad! When you pray you should say:

اللهم إني أسألك فعل الخيرات و ترك المنكرات و حب المساكين و أن تغفر لي و ترحمني و تتوب علي و إذا أردت بعبادك فتنة فاقبضني إليك غير مفتون

“Oh Allah! I ask you (to bestow upon me) the performance of good deeds, and (to bestow upon me) the abandonment of evil acts, (to instil within me) love for the poor, and that you forgive me and have mercy upon me and accept my repentance, and if you intend to put your servants under an affliction, then take me to you without putting me under trail!

(Allahumma Innee as’aluka Fi’lal Khairaat, Wa tarkal Munkaraat, wa Hubal Masaakeen, wa an taghfiralee, wa tarhamanee, wa tatooba alaiyya, wa idhaa aradta bi ‘ibaadika fitnah, faqbidnee ilaika ghaira maftoon) 

And as for that which raises one in levels (then it is):

(1) To spread salaam

(2) To make food (for the people) 

(3) And to pray by night when the people are asleep”

(Collected by Imaam Ahmad in his ‘Musnad’and by ‘Abd ibn Humaid’ and declared ‘Saheeh’ by shaikh Al Albaani in Saheehul Jaami’ 59 and ‘As Saheehah 3169)

Read the full article here>> https://ah-sp.com/2012/06/23/love-for-the-poor-is-from-imaan/