Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Do not Abandon the Scholars!!!

2/28/14, 4:13 PM

عن ابي قلابة قال: العلماء كمثل النجوم التي 
يهتدي بها و الأعلام التي يقتدي بها فإذا تغيبت 
تحيروا وإذا تركواها ضلوا

On the Authority of Abu Qilaabah who said: The Scholars are the example of the stars by way of which one is guided & [they are] signposts that are followed. If they [the scholars] become absent the people become confused & if they [the scholars] are abandoned [by the people] they [the people] become misguided.

Hiliyatul Awliyah 2/283 

Translated by Abu Idrees Muhammad حفظه الله

@Abu Idrees