Thursday, December 6, 2018

Not All Of Ahl Bida' Are Boycotted by Shaykh Rabī Ibn Hādī al-Madkhalī

Not All of The People of Innovation Are Boycotted 
By Shaykh Rabī Ibn Hādī al-Madkhalī (حفظه الله)

Translated by Musa Shaleem Muhammad (حفظه الله)

Shaykh Rabī Ibn Hādī al-Madkhalī (حفظه الله) said: “Indeed, the people  of innovation in this time are numerous (and) they have filled the earth – and Allāh’s refuge  is sought. Thus, we do not boycott all of them; rather  they are subject to our da’wah. We call them to Allāh using wisdom and amicable admonishment. 

As for the leaders who preside over (the affairs) and the callers to falsehood in their newspapers, magazines, books, cassettes, lectures, group chats/ forums and websites, then they are fought, warned against, their circles abandoned, their books are not read and no benefit  (is taken) from them.

The common folk who are misled, we call them to Allāh using wisdom and amicable admonishment. This speech  is supported by the speech of many of the Imāms of the Sunnah and their actions. Indeed, they would call the common folk to Allāh and they would not boycott them as they would boycott the wicked, evil and misguided Imāms.

Understand this, so that some of you do not think that everyone who falls into innovation is boycotted, no conversation with him, no da’wah, nothing. No! Da’wah remains even to the Kuffār, to the Jews and the Christians and da’wah also exists to the people of innovation. However, an individual should not be lenient and thus he goes and enters amongst them and becomes intimate with them so much so that he loses himself.1

1 Shar Aqīdah as-Salaf Aāb al-adīth (pg. 522) 


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