Sunday, July 9, 2017

If Your Dua Has Yet to be Answered Look Within

Ibn Rajab رحمه الله  said:

As for the believer, if he waits a long time for relief, and he begins to despair of it of it after a lot of Dua and begging, and yet the signs of his Dua being answered are not apparent; he revisits his soul and places the blame upon it.

He says to his soul:I only came through you, and if there were any good in you I would have been answered”.

This self-reproach is more beloved to Allah than many acts of obedience, for surely it necessitates the slave humbling himself before his Master while acknowledging that he is deserving of the calamity that befell him and he is not deserving of his Dua being answered. At this point the answer to his Dua will be hastened for him along with relief from his distress.

494/ جامع العلوم والحكم |لا بن رجب:1

Translated by Rasheed ibn Estes Barbee