Sunday, July 30, 2017

How to humble an arrogant person - Shaykh Abdur Razzaq Al Badr

Mutarif ibn Abdullah - may Allah have mercy upon him – who was a scholar from the second generation of Muslims – saw a man wearing a cloak and strutting boastfully.

So he said to the man: ”O slave of Allah, this is the type of boastful strutting of those whom Allah hates.”

The man replied: ”Don’t you know who I am?!”

This man was wearing this beautiful cloak, and his appearance was attractive, and he was strutting, and someone has the nerve to speak to him in this manner?! Thus he replied to him: Don’t you know who I am?! Meaning if you knew who I was you would not speak to me like this.

Mutarif said: ”On the contrary, of course I know who you are! You started as a sprinkled drop of sperm, you will end as a soiled corpse, and in the meantime you are carrying around feces (in your intestine). I know who you are!”

Thus the man went about his way and he no longer strutted. These words of Mutarif taught this man some manners.

Translated by Rasheed ibn Estes Barbee


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