Ibn Taymiyyah’s Tremendous Reply
Regarding The Disease & The Cure
All praise belongs to Allaah the Lord
of all the worlds.
Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728H) - may
Allaah be pleased with him and grant him paradise - was asked:
What is the cure for the one who has
been overtaken by a disease, and what is the best strategy employed for the one
who has been overwhelmed with Khabal (confused state of mind, mental disorder),
and what is the correct course of action to be taken for the one who has been
overcome with laziness, and what is the path to at-Tawfeeq (success), and what
is the way out for the one who has been enveloped by al-Hayrah (bewilderment
and uncertainty)?
When he wishes to turn to Allaah, he
is prevented by his desires. And if he desires to remember (his Lord), he gets
subdued (i.e. distracted) by thoughts.
Consumed by desires so at times you
will observe him confused, he is sober but yet inebriated enraptured When he
wishes to draw close to his beloved, his means become scattered and he
continues upon abandoning and ostracising
By abandoning relatives and
acquaintances - he beguiles himself (into thinking) that he will find freedom
and upon it he will gain support and help
He does not increase except in
confusion and fatigue. Is this how it is with them that they belittle the one
who appeals to be rescued and saved?
Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d.728H)
The cure for it is to take refuge in Allaah,
the Most High, and to always have at-Taddaru’ (humility and humbleness) to
Allaah, the One free from all imperfections, and to make Du‘aa (supplication).
A person must learn the supplications narrated (from the Messenger of Allaah).
He must strive in making supplications during the times and places wherein
supplications are answered/accepted (al-Ijaabah); for example the last third of
the night, the times between the Adhaan and the Iqaamah, during the Sajdah
(prostration) and at the end of the Salawaat (the five daily prayers).
In addition to that (i.e. from the cure) is
al-Istighfaar (seeking forgiveness from Allaah). For indeed whoever seeks
forgiveness from Allaah and turns to Him in repentance, then Allaah will grant
him good provisions to enjoy and benefit from till an appointed term.
Furthermore, (from the cure is that)
one must adhere to reciting the daily portion of the Adhkaar (prophetic
remembrances) at the two ends of the day (i.e in the morning and the evening),
and when going to sleep. And let him be patient with what may occur to him from
the obstacles and the various distractions. For indeed he will not remain long
in that state except that Allaah will support and strengthen him with Rooh
(proofs, light and true guidance) from Himself and He will write Faith in his
Moreover, he must be diligent in
completing the obligatory from the five daily prayers - inwardly and outwardly
- since it is a pillar of the Deen.
And let his habitual practice be
(reciting): “Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah” (there is no change and no
power except with Allaah’s aid). For indeed with (adhering to) it (one can)
bear the heavy burdens and withstand the ordeals, and by it you will attain
lofty positions (i.e. lofty ranks).
One should not get weary of supplicating
(Du‘aa) and requesting. For indeed a servant‘s supplication will be answered as
long as he is not impatient and hasty - and says: “I have made Du‘aa but it has
not been answered.” He should know that victory comes with having as-Sabr
(patience and perseverance), and that alleviation comes along with the
calamity, and with every hardship there is ease.
And all praise is for Allaah the Lord of the ‘Alameen.
Reference: Jaami' al-Masaa'il of
Shaykhul- Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, 7/446-448 checking by 'Alee b. Muhammad
al-'Imraan, Daar 'Aalam al-Fawaa'id print.
Translated by Aboo Abdillaah Bilaal
Hussain al-Kashmiree.
الفوائد والقواعد
Benefits and Principles