Shaikh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan As-Sa’dee (rahimahullaah) said:
Know that
sincerity for Allaah is the foundation of the religion and the essence of
Tawheed and worship.
It is that the servant intends with his action – in its entirety;
The Face of Allaah and His reward and His favour. So he fulfills the six
principles of Eemaan as well as the five legislations (pillars) of Islaam, and
the realities of Eemaan which is: Al-Ihsaan, as well as the rights of Allaah and
the rights of His servants – and so completing (supplementing) them. He intends
by way of them The Face of Allaah and the abode of the Hereafter; he does not
want to make riyaa (ostentation or showing off in order to be seen or noticed
by others) with that, and likewise no sum’ah (seeking repute through being
heard of) and no seeking of leadership, and no worldly effect. So with that his
Eemaan and Tawheed are complete.
From the greatest things which negate this is attempting to show off in order to be seen by the people and performing actions in order to secure their praise and their veneration, or performing the action for a worldly effect; this infringes on sincerity and Tawheed...cont.
Selected from: Al-Qawl
as-Sadeed Sharh Kitaab at-Tawheed p.219-220)
Article title: Sincerity;
Riyaa and Performing Actions for Worldly Effect – Beneficial Points to Check
One’s Intentions
Written & Translated by Abu
Haatim M. Farooq
FULL POST here>>