Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Random Quote of the Day


‘Amr bin Qays:

“Beware of (filling) the stomach for verily it hardens the heart.”

[ Jâmi’ al-‘Ulūm wal-Hikam (v. 2 p. 471)]

Translated by Abū Ruqayyah ‘Abd a-amad

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The Answering of Supplication

Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah said:

إجابة الدعاء تكون عن صحة

الاعتقاد وعن كمال الطاعة

The answering of supplication occurs through soundness of creed and perfection of obedience.

[Majmū ʿal-Fatāwā (14/33)]

Translated by @AbuIyaadSP

Via @ksa_dawah08.12.21 at 4:07PM

But those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh – Islâmic Monotheism) and do deeds of righteousness, We shall admit them to Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise), abiding therein forever…(Sûrah 4. An-Nisâ: 57)


Narrated Anas bin Mâlik رضي الله عنه : The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “There is a tree in Paradise (which is so big and huge that) if a rider travels in its shade for one hundred years, he will not be able to cross it.”

(Sahīh Al-Bukhârī, Vol. 4, Hadīth No. 474)

al-Hilâlî & Muhsin Khân Translation

Tawheed is the Life of Hearts - التوحيد حياة القلوب


Shaykh Khalid ad-Dhafiri said:

Life is given to the hearts with Tawheed. A real life.

So what is this real life with?

With Tawheed, this is why Allaah-Azza wa Jal- resembled the people of Tawheed and the people of Eemaan with having life.

What did Allaah resemble the people of Shirk with? With being dead.

As Allaah –Azza wa Jal- said:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اسْتَجِيبُوا لِلَّهِ وَلِلرَّسُولِ إِذَا دَعَاكُمْ لِمَا يُحْيِيكُمْ ۖ  [الأنفال: 24]

<< O you who believe! Answer Allah (by obeying Him) and (His) Messenger when he calls you to that which will give you life >> [Anfal: 24]

Translated by Miraath Publications 

Ramadaan 1438/2017 Day28

Deeds of the People of Paradise & Deeds of People of the Hellfire


Shaykh al Islām was asked:

“What are the deeds of people of Paradise & what are the deeds of people of Hellfire?

He replied: Deeds of the people of Paradise are Emān & piety, & the deeds of the people of Hellfire are disbelief, defiance & disobedience…

By Shaykh Al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah

[Majmoo’ al Fatāwa, p.422 Vol. 10]

Translation source: Masjid al-Furqan – Stoke on Trent

Speak Good or Remain Silent!


Narrated by Abū Hurayrah, and collected by Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet (allallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) said,  Whosoever believes in Allāh and the last day then let him speak good or remain silent.

Reported by Ahmad (2/267, 433, and 463), al-Bukhari (6018, 6136, and 6475), Muslim (47), Abu Dawud (5154), at-Tirmidhi (2500), and Ibn Hibban (506 & 516)

The First Station In The Hereafter

 Pearls from the Prophet


Hāni the freed slave of ‘Uthmān said:

“When ‘Uthmān used to stand by a grave he would cry until his beard became wet  (from the tears). It was said to him: ‘The Paradise and the Fire were mentioned and you did not cry, yet you cry because of this? So he said: ‘Indeed the Messenger of Allāh () said: ‘Indeed the grave is the first station from the stations of the Hereafter. So if one is saved from it, then what comes after it is easier than it. And if one is not saved from it, then what comes after it is worse than it.’ And the Messenger of Allāh () said: ‘I have never seen any sight except that the grave is more horrific than it.”

At-Tirmidhi (2308) Shākir’s edition, al-Albāni declared it ‘Hasan’ in ‘Sahīh at-Targhīb wa at-Tarhīb’ (3550)

Translated by Abu Tasneem  Mousuf  (may Allāh preserve him)

Thursday, February 17, 2022

A Collection of Beneficial Statements - Statements about Manhaj #6


The great scholar Rabee’ Bin Haadi Al Madkhali (may Allaah the Most High preserve him) said:

لو كنت تخفي أخطاءك واكتشفك إنسان ينصحك بينك وبينه،

 أما تنشر أقوالك وأفعالك في العالم ثم يأتي مسلم.

 ويرد عليك هذا ليس فيه شيء.

272/14  المجموع

If you hide your mistakes and somebody discovers them, he should advise you in private. However, if your words and actions are spread or broadcast around the world and then a Muslim comes and corrects you, then there is nothing wrong with that.

[Majmoo kutub wa Rasail wa Fatawa] 14/272

Translation source: Miraath Publications                                    

“We trust in Allāh.”


Imām Ahmad was asked about people who did not act and said, “We trust in Allāh.”

He said: “They are innovators.”

[Masā’il Sālih (no. 529)]

Translated by عبد الصمد بن خالد


Benefit of Contemplating on the Qurān


Shaykh Uthaymīn (rahimahullāh):

Everytime a person ponders upon this Magnificent Qurān and is reminded by way of that which is in it [i.e. its commandments, prohibitions, admonitions,  etc.], then indeed he receives blessing in his life, his deeds, his certainty and in all his affairs.

At-Ta’liq ‘alā al-Qawāid al-Hisān by Shaykh Uthaymīn Pg. 16

Translation by The Salafi Centre of Manchester

Shaikh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan As-Sa’dee (rahimahullaah) said: Know that sincerity for Allaah is the foundation of the religion and the essence of Tawheed and worship...


ShaikhAbdur-Rahmaan As-Sadee (rahimahullaah) said:

Know that sincerity for Allaah is the foundation of the religion and the essence of Tawheed and worship.

It is that the servant intends with his action – in its entirety; The Face of Allaah and His reward and His favour. So he fulfills the six principles of Eemaan as well as the five legislations (pillars) of Islaam, and the realities of Eemaan which is: Al-Ihsaan, as well as the rights of Allaah and the rights of His servants – and so completing (supplementing) them. He intends by way of them The Face of Allaah and the abode of the Hereafter; he does not want to make riyaa (ostentation or showing off in order to be seen or noticed by others) with that, and likewise no sumah (seeking repute through being heard of) and no seeking of leadership, and no worldly effect. So with that his Eemaan and Tawheed are complete.

From the greatest things which negate this is attempting to show off in order to be seen by the people and performing actions in order to secure their praise and their veneration, or performing the action for a worldly effect; this infringes on sincerity and Tawheed...cont.

Selected from: Al-Qawl as-Sadeed Sharh Kitaab at-Tawheed p.219-220)

Article title: Sincerity; Riyaa and Performing Actions for Worldly Effect – Beneficial Points to Check One’s Intentions

Written & Translated by Abu Haatim M. Farooq

FULL POST here>>

Three Categories of People Who Will Be Protected From The Hell-Fire


Allāh’s Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said,

“Three eyes will not see the Hell-Fire on the Day of Resurrection: an eye that cries out of fear of Allāh, an eye that guards in the path of Allāh, and an eye that lowers its gaze from what Allāh has made haram (forbidden).”

[Recorded in Al-Khil’eeyāt, Tāreekh Ibn ‘Asākir, and others, Silsilah al-Ahadeeth as-Saheehah no. 2673]

Translation by Makaz Muaadh Ibn Jabal Islamic Centre


Official channel of  Abu Muhammad Almaghribi on Telegram

Don't Waste Your Deeds, Do It For Allāh Alone


Rays of Light From The Qur’ān


وَقَدِمْنَا إِلَىٰ مَا عَمِلُوا مِنْ عَمَلٍ فَجَعَلْنَاهُ هَبَاءً مَّنثُورًا

And We will regard what they have done of deeds and make them as dust dispersed. [Al-Furqān: 23]

Ibn al-Mubārak said concerning the verse: (It is) Every righteous deed that is not intended for the face of Allāh.

[Tafsīr ibn Abi Hātim (8/2678 al-Asīl ed.]

Al-Baghawi said concerning the verse: Meaning: it is futile, there is no reward for it, if they did not do it for Allāh, the Mighty and Majestic.

[Tafsīr al-Baghawi (6/79) Tayyibah ed.]

Translated by Abu Tasneem Mousuf 

Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Soul and its Purification: I Want to Fight My Soul So What Is The Way?


The Reality of the Soul

The soul continuously calls its owner to transgression, preference of the world, the desires and love of the delights and pleasures. But Allaah calls His servant to fear of Him, awe of Him and forbids the soul from its whim. He has prepared a mighty reward for the one who follows His command.

The Exalted said: And as for the one fears the standing in front of His Lord and restrains the soul from impure evil desires and lusts, verily, Paradise will be his abode. [Soorah Naazi'aat 79:40-41]

The soul in its essence calls and commands the evil.

Allaah the Exalted said: Verily the (human) self is inclined to evil, except when my Lord bestows His Mercy (upon whomsoever He wills). Verily, my Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful. [Soorah Yoosuf 12:53]

The soul was originally created ignorant and given to transgression. Knowledge, guidance and righteousness are things that befall it due to inspiration from its Lord and then by the struggle against it by its owner and his nurturing it and engaging it in jihaad.

Allaah the Exalted says: And those who strive in Our way We shall guide them to our paths and verily Allaah is with the doers of good (muhsinoon). [Soorah Ankabut 29:69]


The First Way: Holding the Soul to Account...

Imaam Ahmad wrote:

"The intelligent person is the one who controls his own soul (calls it to account) and acts (in preparation) for what comes after death...", and what is after death? After death is the barzakh. After death there is accountability and punishment. After death are the Scales (upon which the deeds are weighed) and the Siraat (the bridge over Hellfire) and then it is either Paradise or Hellfire.

So what have we prepared for what comes after death?! "...and the incapable person is the one who makes his soul follow its whim and has many expectations from Allaah." Such a person is the one who says 'Allaah will forgive me, Allaah will show mercy upon me', he covets all these things from Allaah and yet he does not perform the righteous actions and falls into many sins and acts of disobedience. Righteous actions are one of the means of entering Paradise.

It is not sufficient for someone to have expectations (from Allaah) without making some effort and sacrifice and striving with his soul to perform righteous actions. Allaah Azzawajall frequently links eemaan with righteous actions and it is also one of the ways of entering into Paradise. 

We ask Allaah to grant us His Gardens.

Selected from the Article: I Want to Fight My Soul So What Is The Way? Author: Nawwal Bint Abdullaah Source: Trans. Abu Iyaad Article ID : TZK030001


Do not speak unnecessarily; rather, be silent much.

 Ibrāhīm At-Taymī (d. 92H) said,

When a believer intends to speak, he first considers. So, if speaking is good for him, he speaks – and if it is bad for him, he refrains from it. As for the wicked evildoer, his tongue is loose and unfettered.

(Kitābus-Samt of Ibn Abī Dunyā, 247)

Translated by Ustādh Abu Khadeejah Abdul-Wahid ‘Alam

What is the meaning of the following Hadith: When Allah wills good for His servant, He uses him. ?


The second question of Fatwa no. 14535

Question 2: What is the meaning of the following Hadith: When Allah wills good for His servant, He uses him. ?

Answer: It is related by Al-Tirmidhy and others on the authority of Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 'When Allah wills good for His servant, He uses him.' They said, 'How does He use him?' He said, 'He guides him to do good deeds before he dies.'

(Part No. 3; Page No. 203)

Al-Tirmidhy commented, saying: "It is Hadith Hasan Sahih (a Hadith that stands at a higher level than a mere Hasan Hadith, but at a bit lower level than Sahih). This Hadith indicates that a person is judged according to his final deeds, and that a Muslim should adhere to obeying Allah (Exalted be He) by doing what He enjoins and refraining from what He forbids. Furthermore, he should increase his good deeds, hoping that Allah will reward him with a blessed end.

May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta'

The tongue is the most dangerous of limbs -Shaykh Ṣālih Al-Fawzān


Shaykh ālih Al-Fawzān (hafidahullāh):

The tongue is the most dangerous of limbs, due to this every limb frees themselves from the tongue, admonishes it and and reminds it to fear Allāh  and have taqwa of Him, by saying:

“Fear Allāh for our sake, (for) we are with you: if you are upright, we will be upright: and if you are crooked, we will become crooked.[1]

Source: Official Website of the Shaykh


[1] [Reported by Tirmidhī Number 2407: Chapter: What has been reported concerning preservation of the tongue] [Hadith Declared Hasan By Imām Albāni]

Written by Abu Aa’isha Amjad for

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Preparing For The Real Life


Shaykh Muhammad bin Sālih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allāh have mercy upon him) mentioned,

“And it is a must upon a person that he remembers his state and his ending in this life, this ending is not the final conclusion, rather behind it is a greater goal and objective than the life of this world, the Hereafter. So, a person must constantly remember death, not because he will be departing and separating for his loved ones and from those things that he has become accustomed to, as this is short sightedness, but rather due to him departing from (doing) righteous deeds and striving for the Hereafter. When he reflects in this manner, he prepares and increases with deeds of the Hereafter.”

[Asharh al-Mumti’ ‘alā Zaad al-Mustaqni’, vol.5, pg.231, Dār ibnal-Jawzee print, 8th edition]

Translation source:


Official channel of  Abu Muhammad Almaghribi (hafthahullaah ta’alaa) on Telegram

Chapter: Prophetic Narrations on the Excellence and Reward of Prayers


[8] / [8]: Abu Maalik al-Asharee  – may Allah be pleased with him – narrated, the Messenger of Allah () said:

Ritual purification is half of faith (i.e half of Prayer).

The statement al-hamdolillah (i.e. All praise is due to Allah) fills up the scales. The statements subhaanAllah (i.e. Allah is free from any imperfection) and al-hamdolillah – combined, or individually – fill that which is in the Heavens and the Earth.

The Prayer is light

Charity is proof.

Patience is illumination.

The Quraan is a proof for you or against you.

Everyone starts out the day a vendor of his [or her] soul, either working towards its salvation, or working towards its ruin.

Collected by Muslim (#223).

Taken from: An Adequate Treasure For The Seeker Of The Hereafter , page 1-2 | Chapter: Prophetic Narrations on the Excellence and Reward of Prayers | Author: Al-Haafith Al-Munthiree [D. 656 AH] | Rendered into English by: Jameel Finch | First Edition: Jumaadaa ath-Thaanee, 1443 AH

For original, genuine & safe copy see here>> 

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Random Quote of the day


Salaam ibn Saleem:

Be more grateful for Allah’s blessings upon you in your religion than his blessings on you in your worldly life.

Hilyatul Awliyaa Vol. 3 Page 230

Translation by The Salafi Centre of Manchester

An Ilness of Hearts: Being heedless ( غفلة ) from the remembrance of Allāh the Exalted


Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:

How will one be given enlightenment to a good end (death), whose heart is heedless from the remembrance of Allāh, follows his lusts and whose affair is ever in neglect?.

[Ad-Daa’wad Dawaa’ p. 219]

Taken from: Words of Wisdom Ibn al-Qayyim

Ten Causes For The Expiation of Sins


Ten Causes For The Expiation of Sins

Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn-Taymiyyah (rahimahullah Ta’ala) said: The 10 ten things that remove the sins:

In the Dunya:

1 - at-Taubat-us-Saadeqah (True Repentance)

2 - al-Istighfaar (Seeking Forgiveness)

3 - al-Hasanaat wal A’maal-us-Saalehah (Good Deeds & Righteous Actions)

4 - Calamities that Come to a Person

In the Grave:

5 - Supplication of the Believers for the Believer

6 - Certain Righteous Actions done for the Deceased

7 - Trials of the Grave

Yaumul Qiyamah:

8 - Shafaa’ah (Intercession of the Believers for the Believer),

9 - Hardships, Trials of the Day of Judgement

10 - Forgiveness, Mercy of Allah


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Prophet's du'aa when seeing someone afflicted by misfortune


The Messenger of Allaah said:

Whoever sees a person afflicted with an affliction (i.e related to his health, or in his Religion [committing sins, disbelief, bidah etc] then says:

الْحَمْدُ لِلهِ الَّذِي عَافَانِي مِمَّا ابْتَلاَكَ بِهِ

وَفَضَّلَنِي عَلَى كَثِيرٍ مِمَّنْ خَلَقَ تَفْضِيلاً

((All praise is due to Allaah who saved me from that which He has tested you with, and blessed me greatly over many of those whom He has created))

Allaah will protect him from that calamity, no matter what it is, so long as he lives.

Note: You do not say the above duaa in front of the person who is afflicted so that they would hear it.

[Saheeh at-Tirmidhee 3431]



Roman Transliteration added for the benefit of New Muslim:

الْحَمْدُ لِلهِ الَّذِي عَافَانِي مِمَّا ابْتَلاَكَ بِهِ

وَفَضَّلَنِي عَلَى كَثِيرٍ مِمَّنْ خَلَقَ تَفْضِيلاً

((All praise is due to Allaah who saved me from that which He has tested you with, and blessed me greatly over many of those whom He has created))

Alhamdu lillaahil-lathee ‘aafaanee mimmab-talaaka bihi wa fadhdhalanee ‘alaa katheerin mimman khalaqa tafdheela.