Friday, April 23, 2021

The Singing of Jannah!


The Singing of Jannah!

Upon the authority of Abu Huraira who said: Indeed in Jannah there is a River the length of Jannah, along both of its banks there are maidens, standing facing each other, they will sing in the most beautiful voice the creation has heard, to the extent that they will not believe that there is a pleasure (In Jannah) like it. So we said: Oh Abu Hurairah! What is that singing? If Allah wills it will be Tasbeeh (Saying Subhanallah), Tahmeed (saying Al Hamdulillah), glorifying and praising the Lord –Exalted and praised be He.

[Collected by Baihaqi and declared ‘Saheeh’ By Shaykh Naasir in ‘Saheeh Targheeb’ 3751]

Wriiten &Translated  by Ustadh Abu Hakeem أبو حكيم بلال

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