Friday, April 16, 2021

The Salaf and the Quran in Ramadan


The Salaf and the Quran in Ramadan

It is reported that Al-Aswad [b. Yazīd Al-Nakha’ī] used to complete the recitation of the Quran in Ramadan every two nights; sleeping between al-maghrib and al-‘ishā. Outside of Ramaān, he used to complete a recitation every six nights. (Abū Nu’aym, ilyatu Al-Awliyā` 1:250.)

It is related from Al-Rabī’ b. Sulaymān, “Muammad b. Idrīs Al-Shāfi’ī used to complete reciting the Quran in the month of Ramadan sixty times, all in the prayer.” (Ibid. 4:107)

It is reported that Abul-Ash-hab said, “Abū Al-Rajā` [Al-Aārudī] would complete with us a recitation of the Quran in the night prayers of Ramadan every ten days.” (Ibid. 1:348)

It is reported that Qatādah used to complete a recitation of the Quran once every seven nights, and when Ramadan came, once every three nights. During the last ten nights, he would complete a recitation every night. (Ibid. 1:364)

It is reported that Al-Bukhārī used to complete a recitation [of the Quran] once a day in Ramadan, and would pray after Tarāwī every night, completing another recitation every three nights. (Al-Dhahabī, Siyar A’lām Al-Nubalā` 12:439)


After mentioning some similar examples from the Salaf, Ibn Rajab says in Laā`if Al-Ma’ārif p319: The prohibition of reciting the Quran in less than three days [found in some ahadith] refers to doing so regularly [throughout the year]. As for virtuous times, like Ramadan – especially the nights in which it is hoped Laylatu Al-Qadr will occur – or virtuous places, like Makkah – for those who enter it and are not residents there, then it is recommended to increase in reciting the Quran, making the most of the time and the place. This is the position of [Imam] Amad, Isāq [ibn Rāhūyah] and other Imams, and the practice of others [from the Salaf] indicates [they held the same position].

Translation by Owais Al-Hashimi (hafithahullaah)