ابن تيمية رحمه الله: [ وقد يكون الرجل من أذكياء الناس وأحدّهم نظرًا ، ويعميه عن
أظهر الأشياء ، وقد يكون من أبلد الناس وأضعفهم نظرًاويهديه لما اختلف فيه من الحق
بإذنه ، فلا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله . فمن اتكل على نظره واستدلاله ، أو عقله ومعرفته
خُذِل ، ولهذا كان النبي صلى اللهعليه وسلم في الأحاديث الصحيحة كثيرًا ما يقول : ”
يا مقلِّب القلوب ثبِّت قلبي على دينك ” ] الدرء 9 / 34 لشيخ الإسلام
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه
الله said:
“A man can be from the most intelligent of people and among
the sharpest of them as far as how he perceives affairs and it will make him
blind of the most clearest of things and also you can have a man who is the
most slow of people and the weakest of them of how he perceives and sees
matters and Allah will guide him to what was differed in of the truth. There
isn’t any might or strength except with Allah. So whoever relies on his in
intelligence and his usage of certain things as evidence (without relying and
asking Allah to give him insight) or relies on his intellect or his knowledge
of his mind he will be let down for that reason the Prophet ﷺ, in
an authentic text, would say,”Oh turner of hearts, keep our hearts firm upon your
Translated by Abu Hamza Abdur-Razzaaq حفظه الله
Translated by Abu Hamza Abdur-Razzaaq حفظه الله
Taken from: www.maqwh.org/