Monday, October 28, 2019

Random Quote of the Day

Dec 6 17 - 4:58 PM


The Poet said: The arrogant is like someone standing on top of a mountain, looking down and seeing every one small. Yet, he doesn’t know that those looking up also see him small.

Trans. by Salah al-Iranee


“The people of the Mercy of Allah are the people of the Jamā’ah (truth) even if they are separated by lands and their physical bodies..."

Qatādah said: “The people of the Mercy of Allah are the people of the Jamā’ah (truth) even if they are separated by lands and their physical bodies. And the people of sins are the people of division even if they are gathered in their lands and their bodies.” (Jāmi’ul-Bayān 12/85)

Translated by @Abu KhadeejahSP
Nov 9 2018, 12:01 PM

Shaikh Rabee [Hafidhahullaah] said: The spending carried out in the path of Allaah...

Translation: @SalafiCentre
2 Apr 19, 5:35 AM

Shaikh Rabee [Hafidhahullaah] said:

The spending carried out in the path of Allaah & the streneous effort made through acts of obedience to Allaah is nothing in the eyes of the truthful believer, for they are not equal to the smallest blessings amongst the blessings of Allaah.

Marhaban Yaa Taalibal Ilm page 204-205

The worldly provision is given to both the believer and non-believer

 The worldly provision is given to both the believer and non-believer

Allaah says:

“…Allaah provides for whomever he wills without limits.” (Baqarah 2:212)

Imaam Sa’di رحمه الله  said:

“…the worldly provision is given to both the believer and non-believer. As for the provision of the hearts from; knowledge, Eeman, love of Allaah, having awe of Him, having hope in His (reward) and other than this (from that which the believer is blessed with) Allaah doesn’t give this to anyone but those who He loves.”

Source: Tayseerul-Kareem Ar-Rahman fi  Tafseer kalaam Al-Mannaan (1/156)

"....“My father said to me, ‘O my son! Go to the Fuqahaa & Ulamaa; learn from them & take from their [good] etiquettes, manners & guidance..."

Ibraaheem Ibn Habeeb Ibn Ash-Shaheed said: “My father said to me, ‘O my son! Go to the Fuqahaa & Ulamaa; learn from them & take from their [good] etiquettes, manners & guidance. Indeed, that would be more beloved to me than if you were to narrate numerous hadeeth.’”

[Al-Jaami Li-Akh’laaq Ar-Raawi Wa-Aadaab As-Saami: 1/80, 81, 201]

Translation source: Masjid al Furqān /

23 March 2019, 9:36 PM