Saturday, March 31, 2018

Do Not Be One That Is Two Faced

عن محمد بن أبي عائشة رحمه الله قال
 لا تكن ذا وجهين وذا لسانين تظهر للناس أنك تحب الله ويحمدونك وقلبك فاجر.

Muhammad bin Abī ‘Āishah رحمه الله said:

“Do not be one who is two faced or two tongued. You show the people that you love Allaah and they praise you, whilst your heart is wicked.”

٣٦٠/٥  شعب الإمان للبيهقي

@AbuMaryamT // 

Source:, 6/26/14, 11:11PM

Friday, March 30, 2018

The guidance of the Prophet (salallāhu 'alaihi wasallam) when visiting the toilet: by Ibnul-Qayyim (d.752H)

The Prophet’s (Guidance When Visiting The Toilet

1. When he would enter the toilet area he would say: “Allāhumma innee a’oodhubika minal-khubthee wal-khabā’ith.”[Bukhāree and Muslim] When exiting, he would say: “Ghufrānaka.” [Abu Dāwood, Tirmidhee, Ibn Mājah]

2. He would urinate sitting down most of the time, and that was the norm for him.

3. He would use water to clean himself sometimes, and with stones sometimes, and a combination of the two sometimes.

4. He would clean himself with his left hand.

5. After cleansing himself with water, he would strike the earth (soil/sand) with his hand.

6. When upon a journey he would always seclude himself away from his companions when relieving himself.

7. He would conceal himself behind an object or behind dates palm trees or other trees.

8. He would seek out soft ground when he needed to urinate.

9. When sitting to relieve himself he would not raise up his garment until he was close to ground.

10. If someone greeted him with salām whilst he was relieving himself, he would not respond.

From Ibnul-Qayyim’s Zād Al-Ma’ād (1/163)

@AbuKhadeejahSP |

Source:, 10/25/15, 7:40 PM  

Benefit taken from the advice of Ja’far ibn Muhammad As-Saadiq to his son

Benefit taken from the advice of Ja’far ibn Muhammad As-Saadiq to his son

• The one who considers his sins to be trivial will consider the sins of others to be great.
• Whoever unveils the covering from others will have the private affairs of his household uncovered.
• Whoever draws the sword of oppression will be killed by it.
• Beware of ridiculing men lest they ridicule you in turn.
• Beware of focusing on people’s shortcomings, for for focusing on people’s shortcomings is to make oneself  a target.

Hilyatul Awliya 3/196 

Translator: Abu Idrees Muhammad


Taken from:, 8/27/15, 3:19 PM via @AbuKhadeejahSP

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Secretly Say ‘In Sha Allah’ After you Make an Oath, it Will Help You – Shaykh Muhammad al-Uthaymin | Trans. by DuSunnah

Shaykh Muḥammad ibn Ṣāliḥ al-Uthaymīn:

I will also point out for you an important issue. When you take an oath, say after it – In shā   Allah [ if Allah   wills ], even  if your friend doesn’t hear you because if you do say  In shā   Allah, Allah will ease the affair for you  to fulfil your oath, and  if He [Allah ] wills that [your oath] doesn’t take place, then there is no expiation on you.

And this is a great benefit! So if you – for example say to someone,  ‘By Allah you shall not slaughter  for me, and then you  say silently [ In shā   Allah ], thereafter  he slaughters for you , then  there’s no blame  on you , nor is there an expiation of an oath on you. Likewise the opposite, if you say, ‘By Allah I shall slaughter…’ then you say silently  [ In shā   Allah ] and the listener doesn’t hear you, then if you don’t slaughter there is no expiation on you. Due  to the statement  of the Prophet  “Whoever swears about an oath and says: ‘If Allah wills [ In shā   Allah ], then there is no breaking  of the oath against him.” (refer to al-Tirmidhī], this is a great  benefit, so always keep it [ In shā   Allah ] on your tongue in order that  you gain two benefits:

First Benefit: So that your affairs  are be made easy for you.

Second benefit: That if you break your oath, then there is no expiation  on you.



Note: Posted with kind permission

Can you eat a frog? A Golden Principle of Fiqh explained by Sh.Fawzaan

A Benefit from a Fatwaa of Shaikh Saalih  al-Fawzaan

Shaikh Saalih bin Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah) was asked  regarding the ruling of eating amphibians and frogs. Shaikh replied  saying that eating frogs is  prohibited and he also mentioned a golden principle which states that;

“Any living thing which the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi  wasallam) commanded to kill is prohibited to eat. And the same way, any living  thing which the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) prohibited to kill is also prohibited to eat.”

And the frog is an example of things which the Prophet  (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) prohibited to kill. Thus eating it is also prohibited.

Source: (Audio Fatwaa of Shaikh from his website)

TRANS by AdiyyyMuhammad

-----------------------, 8/24/13, 7:40 PM 

6 things which deprive one of knowledge

as-Safārīnī said, “Deprivation of knowledge occurs through six aspects:

1- Not asking.
2- Poor listening.
3- Bad understanding.
4- Not memorising.
5- Not disseminating it and teaching it. For the one who hoard his knowledge and does not disseminate it, Allāh afflicts him by making him forget it as an equal recompense.
6- Not acting upon it. For acting upon it obligates remembering it, reflecting upon it, giving it it’s due right and examining it. So if he is careless in acting upon it, he forgets it.

Source: Ghadhā’ al-Albāb Vol. 1, Pg. 44

Translated by @ZubayrAbbasi, 12/2/17, 7:35 PM

Random Quote of the Day

Imām as-Sa’dī -raimahullāh said:

“Whoever stands for the truth is tested (with trials).”

تيسير الكريم الرحمن صفحة٨٠

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Ruling on Salah of a woman whose hair shows unintentionally

 Q: If after finishing the Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer, for example, I  discovered that part of my hair was uncovered, should I repeat the Salah (Prayer) or should I repeat the last two Rak’ahs (units of Prayer) in which I discovered  that my hair showed? May Allah reward you with the best!

A: This matter can be detailed as follows. If a few hairs become uncovered and you do not know about that until after finishing Salah, then there is nothing wrong and your Salah is valid. But if a large part of your head shows, then it is better to repeat the Salah to be on the safe side.

(Part No.7; Page No. 268)

Q: A female questioner from Jizan district says: When I was performing Sujud (prostration) in Zhuhr Prayer, my son uncovered my whole head by pulling the head cover, but I took it and put it immediately on my head and continued with the Salah? Is my Salah valid?

A: Yes, if you put on the head cover straightaway, then there is no problem and the Salah is valid, Al-hamdu lillah (All praise is due to Allah).


Source: Fatwas of Nur ‘ala Al-Darb, volume 7, Part No.7;  Page No.268 | Question no. 144 | 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Do Not Have a Good Opinion of the People of Desires and Innovation

Shaykh Rabee’ al Madkhali (حفظه الله) stated:

“Allah the Exalted and High clarified the wickedness of the people of desires and that their objectives are evil; they purposely intend to misguide others and (they intend) fitnah. Therefore, having a good opinion of them is falsehood and is (following of) desires.”

‘Awn al Bārī 2/867


Source:, 12/18/17, 11:41 PM

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Five Faces of the Hizbī

قال شيخنا مقبل بن هادي الوادعي:
فالحزبي مستعد أن يكون له خمسة أوجه، والنبي يقول: إن من شر النّاس ذا الوجهين الذي يأتي هؤلاء بوجه و هؤلاء بوجه.

Our Shaykh, al-Muhaddith, Muqbil b. Hādī al-Wādi’ī (رحمه الله) stated, “The hizbī (bigoted partisan) is prepared to show five faces, and the Prophet said, ‘Indeed, the worst of the people is the two-faced person, showing one face to some and another face to others.’”1

1 Tuhfah al-Mujīb (p.29)

Source:, 8/28/17. 2:57 PM

Random Quote of the Day

‘Umar  ‘Abdul ‘Azeez رحمه الله:

“When your power [over others] invites you to oppress the people then remember the power of Allāh over you.” 

[Siyar ‘Alam an-Nubala 5/131]

Translation by:

Stupid: Asking for Quran without Sunnah

It is reported that ‘Imrān b. Husayn – Allāh be pleased with him – was once relating hadīth amongst a group of people, when a man said:

Leave this and give us something from the Book of Allāh. ‘Imrān said, “You are a dunce (stupid). Do you find in the Book of Allāh details of prayer. Do you find in the Book of Allāh details of fasting!? This Qur’ān prescribes those matters, and the Sunnah explains them.”

Al-Harawī, Dham Al-Kalām article 244, et al with various wordings.



Saturday, March 24, 2018

How does sustenance come from Allaah when a person is able to increase his own sustenance?


Some people say, “How can all of the sustenance come from Allaah whereas I am able to increase my (level of) work in a day in order to get more sustenance. So how can sustenance be decreed for me, and written for me without me having any role in increasing it or decreasing it”, and are there any books that research into these matters that you can direct us to?


Sustenance is from Allaah in terms of bringing it into existence, determining its amount and giving of it. And earning it and adopting the ways and means by which it is acquired is for the servant. The servant (of Allaah) adopts the means, whether it is difficult, easy, plentiful or negligible, and Allaah is the one who decrees the means, and brings it into existence, as a bounty and a mercy from Himself. So the sustenance is attributed to Allaah in its determination and granting, and to the servant in terms earning it and adopting the ways and means by which it is acquired.

Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts
Shaykh ‘Abdullaah bin Ghudayaan
Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq al-‘Afeefee
Shaykh ‘Abdullaah bin Munee’

Fataawaa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah, Vol 1 page 30, Fatwa No.8772, compiled by Shaykh Ahmad ad-Duwaish.

Translated by Abu ‘Iyaad Amjad Rafiq

