Tuesday, August 29, 2017

“Whoever innovates an innovation…”

: قال الإمام الأوزاعي

Al-Awzaa’ee said:

بلغني أن من ابتدع بدعة زيّن له الشيطان التنسك والعبادة وألقى عليه الخشوع والبكاء كي يصطاد به

“It has reached me that whoever innovates an innovation, shaytaan beautifies for him devotion and worshipAnd throws upon him humility and crying so that he can be used as a trap.”

الاعتصام للشاطبي (1/125)

Al-I'tissaam by Ash-Shaatibee (1/125) 

Translated by: Samir Abdullah Al-Oklahomie


Source: https://www.mkhair.org/?p=141