Sunday, April 9, 2023

The Amazing Effect of Charity in Repelling Calamity


Ibnul-Qayyim said:

Sadaqah has an amazing effect in repelling various types of calamities, even if it may be given by a sinner  or wrongdoer; rather, (even if from) a disbeliever, Allah, the Exalted, will remove  from him various types of calamity due to it. This is an affair which is known by the people, the erudite and the commoners, and all of the people of the earth can affirm this because they have experienced it.

Source: Wabil As-Sayyib pg. 31

Translated by Ustadh Raha Batts (may Allah preserve him)

Taken from: Masjid Ad Da’wah Ilat Tawheed (telegram account)

01.11.22 at 6:42 PM