قال ابن حبان البستي – رحمه الله -:
والإخوانُ يُعرفون عند الحوائج ؛ لأنَّ كلَّ
الناس في الرخاء أصدقاء.
وشرُّ الإخوان الخاذلُ لإخوانه عند الشدَّة
روضة العقلاء ص٢٢١
The Manhaj of The Salaf
Ibn Hibbān Al-Bustī:
“True brothers (or sisters) are known during times of
need, for indeed everyone is a friend during the good times. And the worst of
brothers (or sisters) are those that betray their brethren in times of hardship
and need.”
Rawdat-ul-‘Uqalā, 221
Translation: Tower Hamlets Dawah