Singing is the Incantation of Fornication
Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه
الله) said:
رقية الزنا ، وهو من أعظم الأسباب لوقوع الفواحش ، ويكون الرجل والصبي والمرأة في
غاية العفة والحرية حتى يحضره ، فتنحل نفسه وتسهل عليه الفاحشة ويميل لها فاعلاً
أو مفعولاً به أو كلاهما كما يحصل بين شاربي الخمر وأكثر.
“For singing is the incantation of fornication. It
is from the greatest of means for the occurrence of shameful deeds. A man,
child and woman are in [a state] of utmost chastity and freedom (from
succumbing to desires) until they are in its presence. His soul is weakened [by
it] and the shameful deed is made easy for him, he inclines to it, being either
the doer or the one to whom it is done or both, similar to how it happens to
the drinkers of intoxicants, or even more so.”
Majmūʿ al-Fatāwā
Translated by Ustādh Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
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