Monday, January 25, 2021

The meaning of ﷺ (Sallallaahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam)

(Sallallaahu ‘Alayhi wa Sallam): The salaah and salaam of Allaah be upon His Prophet Muhammad. 

The salaah of Allah upon Prophet Muhammad is His Praise of the Prophet before the angels who are close to (but below) Allaah, the Most High, who istawaa (ascended) upon His ‘arsh (Throne), which is above the seven heavens, in a manner that suits His Majesty. The angels also praise the Prophet (). The salaam is Allaah’s safeguarding of the Prophet () from deficiencies and any kind of evil, and the protection of the Message with which he was entrusted. When the Muslim says (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), he invokes Allaah to grant His Praise and Security to the Prophet Muhammad and the protection of the Message of Islaam which was revealed to him ().

[See Ibnul Qayyim’s Jalaa’ul Afhaam fee Fadlis-Salaati-wa-Salaam ‘alaa Muhammadin Khairil Anaam, [Damascus, Syria: Daar ibn Katheer, and Al-Madeenah, KSA: Daarut-Turaath, 1408/1988], p.128.

Prepared by Shaykh Dr.Saleh As-Saleh )rahimahullaah)

Taken from the book Wahdatul Adyaan: The Call for the Unity of Religions: A False and Dangerous Call, p. 2. Written by Dr. Saleh As-Saleh.

More advice to Abi Dharr – Radhiyallahu Anhu |


Upon the Authority Of Abu Dharr – Radhiyallahu Anhu who said:

 I asked the Messenger of Allah – Sallallahu alaihi wa Salam:

What will save a servant (of Allah) from the Fire?

 He said:

Imaan (Faith) in Allah

 I said: Oh Prophet of Allah With Imaan there is action?

 He said: That one gives (even if it is little) from that which Allah has bestowed upon you and that you give (even if it is little) from that which Allah has provided you

I said: Oh Prophet of Allah! what if he is poor and finds nothing to give?

He said: He enjoins the good and forbids the evil

 I said: What if he is not able to enjoin the good and forbid the evil?

 He said: Then he gives aid to the one who has no skill (or trade by way of which he receives earnings)

 I said: Oh Messenger of Allah! What if he (himself) has no trade?

He said: He aids someone oppressed

 I said: Oh prophet of Allah! What if he is weak and unable to aid one oppressed?

He said: If you do not not wish to leave any good with your brother then one should avoid harming the people

 I said: Oh Messenger of Allah! If he does this will he be entered into Jannah?

He said: There is no Believer who seeks to perform one of these affairs except that it will take him by the hand and enter him into Jannah

(Collected by Imaam At Tabaraani in ‘Mu’jamul Kabeer 2/156, Al Baihaqi in Shu’abul Imaan 3/204/3328 – Zaghlool print and declared ‘Saheeh’ by Shaikh Al Albaani in ‘Saheeh At Targheeb’ 1/525/ Hadeeth 876) 

WRITTEN & TRANSLATED BY: Abu Hakeem أبو حكيم بلال

For better viewing see full article here:

People are Recognised by the truth | From the Principles of the Salafi Manhaj


Part 2

People are Recognised by the truth

From the Principles of the Salafi Manhaj

Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya

“People are recognised by the truth but the truth is not recognised through the people “

(الرجال يُعرفون بالحقّ ولا يُعرف الحقّ بالرجال)

Shaykh Ubayd Al-Jabri said: ‘The meaning of this principle is that a person is described and characterised as adhering to the Sunnah and that he is from the people of Sunnah and upon the truth, not stained with any stain of Bid’ah or Superstitions.

The sign which shows us this is what he followed of the truth in his statements and actions. This is the first part of this principle.

‘The truth is not recognised through the people’, means, it is not simply a person’s behaviour regarding just one statement or one action that indicates he is correct. Rather, judgement upon statements and actions according to the Salafis is with two scales :

A text of the Book and the Sunnah or a consensus of the Salaf.’

قاعدة مهمّة من قواعد المنهج السلفي:

 [Majmoo Rasaa’ il Al-Jabreeya p.102-103]

For original, genuine & safe copy see English/Arabic article here>>

Sa'eed bin Jubair said, as occurs in al-Ibaanah of Ibn Battah (no. 89):


Sa'eed bin Jubair said, as occurs in al-Ibaanah of Ibn Battah (no. 89):

أن يصحب ابني فاسقا ، شاطرا ، سنيا ، أحب إلي من أن يصحب عابدا مبتدعا

That my son accompanies a sinful and cunning scoundrel who is a Sunni is more beloved to me than that he accompanies a devoteful and worshipful Innovator.

Translated by Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq 


Read more here>>

Sitting With The People Of Innovation Publicly In Front Of The People | Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān

The Questioner: May Allāh  reward you. The questioner says what is the ruling regarding sitting with the people of innovation publicly in front of the people from the likes of al-abīb ʿAlī al-Jifrī since I am well-known caller to Islām and it would be done for the purpose of calling to Allāh?

Shaykh āli al-Fawzān: “Do not sit with the people of innovation publicly in front of the people or privately by yourself where there is only yourself and him. Stay away from the people of religious innovation and do not mix with them and sit with them and boycott them until they repent  from their religious innovation.Yes.”

Translated by: Abul-Layth Qāsim Mutiva 


Saturday, January 23, 2021

Is our Salah making us better and increasing us in righteousness...


Shaykh,Allaamah Rabee bin Haadee al-Madkhalee حفظه الله said:

If you see someone committing lewd and evil deeds, then he is either a person who does not pray or there is in his prayer corruption (i.e no sincerity, heart not being attentive, lack of tranquility etc).

[Nafahaat al-Huda wal-Eemaan pg. 157]

Translation taken from: Markaz Mu'aadh bin Jabal Islamic Centre

15 September 2018 – 4:53 PM

Wise words from your brother are priceless…

1:42 AM – Jan 15, 2021

Translated by Abu Maryam Tariq Ali

@Abu MaryamT

Wise words from your brother are priceless…

Abu ‘Umaīr as-Sūrī Abān bin Sulaīm* رحمه الله, said:

“Wise words from your brother are better for you than wealth he gives you, for indeed wealth causes you to become excessive; but the words will guide you (to that which is good).”

* Abu ‘Umaīr as-Sūrī Abān bin Sulaīm, and it is said ‘Sulaīmān’. Abu Hātim mentioned him and said, “He was from the righteous worshippers of Allāh, he spoke with wisdom”. 

قال: وأخبرنا الحوطي قال: ثنا أبو حيوة شريح بن يزيد،

عن أبي سبا عتبة بن تميم، عن أبي عمير الصوري أبان بن سُليم قال:

كلمة حكمة لك من أخيك خير لك من »

 « مال يعطيك، لأن المال يطغيك والكلمة تهديك.

(جامع بيان العلم و فضله)

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Saturday, January 16, 2021

The place of al-niyyah is the heart


Shaykh al-‘Uthaymīn (d. 1421AH):

The place of al-niyyah is the heart, and it has no place upon the tongue in all acts of worship. Hence, the one who verbally utters the niyyah when he intends to pray, observe the fast, perform the ajj, the ablution, or other deeds, is deemed an innovator, and he is declaring in the religion of Allāh that which is not from it. 

Translation taken from: TROID.ORG

What should I do in a gathering wherein the people are backbiting?


What should I do in 

a gathering wherein the people

 are backbiting?

There is a sin upon you unless you criticize this evil. Otherwise, it is obligatory upon you to separate from them and not sit with them.

Shaykh Abdul-Azeez ibn Baaz Majmoo’ Al-Fataawaa 8/283

Trans. By Raha Batts

Stance of Abul Jawzaa [rahimahullaah] Against Ahlul Bidah

قال أبو الجوزاء

لأن أجالس الخنازير أحب إلي من أن أجالس أحدا من أهل الأهواء

Abul Jawzaa [rahimahullaah] said: That I should sit with pigs is more beloved to me than that I should sit with anyone from the people of desires [i.e. ahlul bidah].

[Al-Ibaanah’ of Ibn Battah b2/438]

Translated by: Masjid Al-Furqaan [Stoke on Trent]

7 December 2018, 12:47 AM

Did You Know?

جانب من حياة الشيخ الألباني .

 قال العلامة حماد الأنصاري رحمه الله :

 " إن الشيخ الألباني درس العلم دراسة وافية واتخذ إصلاح الساعات معيشة له كما كان يفعل

 الأئمة الأوائل فإن كل واحد منهم له صنعة لمعيشته فمثلًا أبي حنيفة كان قماشًا " .

  المجموع في ترجمته ٢/ ٦٢٣

صَــحَّـحَـهُ الْأَلْبَــــــانِيُّ



Al-‘Allamah Hammad al-Ansari said, "Shaykh al-Albani studied knowledge with an ample study and he adopted watch repair as a livelihood, just as the early Imams used to do. Each of them had a skilled trade for their livelihood, for example Abu Hanifah was a clothes merchant.”

Translated by

4:07 PM · Sep 17, 2019

Friday, January 15, 2021

Advice from My heart to Yours


Jareer ibn ‘Abdillaah – may Allaah be pleased with- said:

I pledged allegiance to the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) that I would hear and obey, and that I would convey sincere advice to every Muslim.

(Aboo Daawood #4945)

Taken from the article “Advice from My heart to Yours” written by Moosa Richardson /

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Did you know?


Did you know

The noble wife of the Prophet - Zaynab bint Khuzaymah رضي الله عنها was known as Umm al-Masākeen (the mother of the needy) as she was known to love the poor and was kind towards them, she was compassionate & kindhearted.

[Taken from Shaykh ‘Ubayd al-Jābiree’s حفظه الله annotations on Shaykh Uthaymeen’s رحمه الله explanation of Luma’tu al-‘Itiqād pg. 360]


9 April 2019 // 9:59 PM

‘O Seeker of Evil, Refrain!’ – Shaykh Sālih Al-Fawzān حَفِظَهُ الله

PD on May 5, 20220


O you wants to misguide the people, entice and corrupt the people. O you wants to busy the people with (false) amusement, and musical entertainment and instruments. O you wants to busy the people with plays and performances, and false stories and speech. O you wants to busy the people with jokes and buffoonery and distractions. Refrain! Refrain! Be at loss! Begone! Enemy of Allāh! For  you are ruined! You are unjust! And you are ousted! So upon you is to know your limit! Do not busy and distract the Muslims. ‘O seeker of evil, refrain!’Refrain from evil! For if you don’t refrain then you shall be refrained (from) by the command of Allāh, Glorified be He, the Most-High. And you will be at loss and in ruin on the Day that regret does not benefit.


Translated by:

Abu Inaayah Seif

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

“Oh Abaa Hurairah Should i not indicate to you a treasure from the treasures of Jannah?”...


Upon the authority of Abu Hurairah – Radhiyallahu anhu – who said:

We were walking with the Messenger of Allah – Sallallahu Alaihi Was Salam – in a garden in Madina when he  said: Oh Abaa Hurairah” so i responded I am here at your service Oh Messenger of Allah! so he said: Indeed those who indulge much (in the life of this world) they will have the least (on the day of Judgement) except one that who does like this and this with his wealth and he gestured with his hand to the left and the right (i.e that he gives his wealth to the left and to the right) and they indeed are few then he said: Oh Abaa Hurairah Should i not indicate to you a treasure from the treasures of Jannah? so i said: Certainly Oh Messenger of Allah!he said:You should say: Laa Haula Wa Laa Quwwata ilaa Billah wa Laa Malja’a wa laa manjaa illaa ilaihi (There is no ability to turn from disobedience nor power to carry out acts of obedience except with Allah. And there is no one protection from evil is sought from, nor one that grants salvation except Him.). Then he said Oh Abaa Hurairah! Do you know what the right of Allah upon his servants is and his servants right upon Allah? So i said: “Allah and his Messenger know best He said: The right of Allah upon his servant is that they worship him and do not ascribe partners with him, and the servants right upon Allah is that he will not punish one who does not acsribe partners with him

(Collected by Al Haakim in his ‘Mustadrak’ and declared ‘Saheeh’ by Shaikh Al Albaani in Saheeh Targheeb 3261 and As Saheehah: 1766)

Translated by Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis

Taken from:

Greetings of the Companions [a little known Sunnah] || SayingsoftheSalaf

 Greetings of the Companions [a little known Sunnah]

 Al-Shabī reports, When the Companions of Muhammad – Allāhs peace and blessings be upon him – used to meet, they would shake hands; and when returning from travels, they would hug one another.

Shaykh Al-Albānī states in Al-Sahīhah Vol. 1 p300, [This is] recorded by Al-Bayhaqī Vol. 7 p100 with a sahīh chain of transmission from Al-Shabī.

Abū Madīnah Al-Dārimī – Allāh be pleased with him – reports, When two of the Companions of Allāhs Messenger – Allāhs peace and blessings be upon him – would meet, they would not part until one would recite to the other By time, verily man is in loss (Sūrah Al-Asr). Then, one of them would say salām to the other.”

Recorded by Al-Tabarānī in Al-Awsat, and others. Shaykh Al-Albānī graded its chain of transmission sahīh. See Al-Sahīhah, hadīth 2648.

Shaykh Al-Albānī states, There are two points of benefit in this narration about the practice of our Salaf – Allāh be pleased with them all. The first is that they used to say salām when parting, which has been explicitly mentioned in some statements of the Prophet…The other, we learn from the regular practice of the Companions, is reciting Sūrah Al-Asr [when parting], for we believe that they were the farthest of people from introducing into the religion a worship by which they sought to bring themselves closer to Allāh, except with some sanction from Allāhs Messenger – peace and blessings be upon him, either through a statement from him, or an action of his, or by his tacit approval…” 

Trans. by Owais Al-Hashimi

For better viewing see original article here>>

...So be patient, O people of the Sunnah, may Allāh have mercy on you, for you are indeed the minority!

al-Imām al-Bukhārī:

The most virtuous of the Muslims is an individual who revives a Sunnah of the Messeger of Allah which has been abandoned.

So be patient, O people of the Sunnah, may Allāh have mercy on you, for you are indeed the minority.

[al-Jāmi’ li-Akhlāq ar-Rāwi]

قَالَ الإِمَامَ الْبُخَارِيُّ:

 أَفْضَلُ الْمُسْلِمِينَ رَجُلٌ أَحْيَا سُنَّةً مِنْ سُنَنِ 

الرَّسُولِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَدْ أُمِيتَتْ، 

فَاصْبِرُوا يَا أَصْحَابَ السُّنَنِ رَحِمَكُمُ اللَّهُ فَإِنَّكُمْ 

أَقَلُّ النَّاسِ.

الجامعُ لأخلاقِ الراوي وآدابِ السامع*

Translation Source: //@_MuSunnah

12 May 12, 2019 – 4:20 PM  


* الجامعُ لأخلاقِ الراوي وآدابِ السامع (١١٢/ ١

The great Imām al-Barbahārī (died 329H, rahimahullaah) stated the position and consensus of the Muslims towards their rulers:


The great Imām al-Barbahārī  (died 329H, rahimahullaah) stated the position and consensus of the Muslims towards their rulers: “If you find a man making supplication against the ruler, know that he is a person of innovation (deviation). If you find a person making supplication for the ruler to be upright, know that he is a person of the Sunnah, if Allāh wills. We are ordered to make supplication for them (i.e. the rulers) to be upright. We have not been ordered to make supplication against them, even if they commit tyranny and oppression, since their tyranny and oppression reflect only upon themselves but their rectitude is good for themselves and the Muslims.” [29]


[29] Sharhus-Sunnah of al-Barbahārī.