Shaykh Sālih bin Fawzān Al Fawzān – Hafidhahullah – stated
in his explanation of the Treatise of Servitude.
Commenting on Shaykh Islām Ibn Taymiyyah’s statement
regarding the servant of Allah being granted sincerity by Allah Shaykh Sālih
bin Fawzān said:
“If Allah
–Azza wa jal- grants the servant sincerity nothing comes to him of harm.
Regardless of
what presents itself to him from desires, doubts and adversities for indeed
Allah will make him firm.
And as for if
the heart is deprived of sincerity, then indeed the individual is affected by
the various desires, doubts, fears and other such matters that present
themselves to him on account of the deficiency that is in him.
He is like the
branch of a tree, everytime a gust of wind comes he sways in a northerly
southernly, easternly or westernly direction, he is not firm. Similarly the
Heart that does not have sincerity, it is swayed by (the various affairs) that
present themselves to it.”
[Sharh Ar-Risālatu
Ubudiyah; page 251]
Translated by: Abu Affān, Hakīm bin Bilāl Davis
12/24/18, 5:58 PM
قال الشيخ صالح بن فوزان الفوزان -
حفظه الله - في شرحه على رسالة
العبودية لشيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية -
رحمه الله - :
إذا رزق الله - عز وجل - العبد الإخلاص
لا يضره شيء، مهما عرض له من
الشهوات والشبهات و الشدائد، فإن الله
يثبته، وأما إذا كان في القلب نقص في
إخلاص فإنه قد يتأثر بالعوارض من
الشبهات والشهوات والمخاوف وغير
ذلك، بحسب ما فيه من النقص.
فهو مثل: غصن الشجرة كلما جاء نسيم
من الهواء أماله شمالاً وجنوباً
وغرباً، فهو ليس ثابتاً، وكذلك القلب
الذي ليس فيه الإخلاص فإنه تميله
[شرح رسالة العبودية ص ٢٥١]
٤/١٧/١٤٤٠,٥:م ٥٨