Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Slide him off into a hole

Haroon ibn Ziyaad said: I heard a man asking Al-Faryaabee about he who curses Aboo Bakr. He said “(He is a) Kaafir!” The man said: “Is he to be prayed upon (i.e., if he dies)?” He said: “NO!” (i.e., the narrator Haaroon) asked him: “What is to be done with him then, since he said Laa Ilaha Illa-Allaah?” He said: “Do not touch his body with your hands. Elevate him using a piece of wood until he slides off it into his hole.”

Reported by Al-Khallaal within As-Sunnah 3/499 no.794 

Translated by: Raha Batts
