Friday, December 29, 2017

The Dead Who Revive and the Living Who Kill...Remember the first and Beware of the second!

The Dead Who Revive and the Living Who Kill

Ibn al-Qayyim: One of the Salaf said:

What disparity there is between a dead people whose remembrance gives life to the hearts and a living people mixing with whom kills the hearts.

Risaalah al-Tabukiyyah, p.48


Source:, 2/2/14, 10:53 PM

Recognizing The True Blessings of Allah Upon The Servant


Al Imām Ibn Al Qayyim رحمه الله  stated:

“There is no doubt that whoever does not see the blessings of Allāh upon him except in what he eats, drinks or his physical health, then he has absolutely no semblance of an intellect.

Surely, the blessings of Allāh (upon the servant) with Islām, Imān, drawing the servant towards Him and the enjoyment of obedience to Him is the greatest blessing. But this is only acknowledged with the light of the intellect and being guided to success.”

 [Madārij As-Salīkīn: pg. 277, v.1]

Translated By Abu Afnān Muhammad ‘Abd Allāh
 # 0245



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A man said to ‘Abdullāh ibn Mas’ūd (raḍī Allāhu ‘anhu), “Tell us about the Fire, how is it?”...

A man said to ‘Abdullāh ibn Mas’ūd (raī Allāhu ‘anhu), “Tell us about the Fire, how is it?”

So Ibn Mas’ūd said to him:

“If you were to see it, your heart would disappear from its place.”

Source: Sifah an-Nār (no.54) of Ibn Abī ad-Dunyā



The Nobility of Knowledge

Ibn al-Qayyim

Every characteristics Allah praises the servant with in the Qur’ān is from the fruits of knowledge and a result of it. And every blameworthy trait that He rebukes is from the product of ignorance and a result of it.

١١٥/١ مفتاح دار السعادة 


Translated by Abu Idrees Muhammad

Taken from:, 5/12/16, 1:24 AM

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Signs that a servant is truly happy

Signs that a servant is truly happy

1. Obedience is easy for him

2. His actions conform to the Sunnah

3. He accompanies the pious

4. His good manners with his brothers

5. His benevolence to the creation

6. His concerns for the Muslims

7. He preserves his time. 

I’tisām (1/152)

Translated by Hassan Somali

@hikmahpubs /

Source:, 11/14/17, 5:29 AM

"If the people were moderate in seeking the Dunya... - Shaykh Fawaz ibn Ali Al-Madkhali (may Allah preserve him)

قال ابن عثيمين رحمه الله:

لو أن الناس اقتصدوا في طلب الدنيا واجتهدوا في طلب الآخرة لنا لوا خيراً كثيراً

فتاوى نور على الدرب، الشريط (22)


Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymīn (rahimahullah):

“If the people were moderate in seeking the dunya, and they were diligent in seeking the hereafter, then they would obtain much good!

Source:, 11/14/17, 9:25 PM

Masjid At-Tawheed

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Regarding the mark on the forehead cause by Sujud

Q: Has it been reported regarding the mark on the forehead which is caused by Sujud that it is a mark of the righteous?

A: This is not a mark of the righteous; the mark of the righteous is only the light which is seen in the face, the expansion of the heart, good character and such like. As for the mark on the face which is cause by Sujud, it might be seen on the faces of those who only offer the obligatory prayers due to the delicateness of their skin, and it might not be seen in the face of one who prays much and lengthens his Sujud.


Source: Fatawa Arkanul-Islam, Volume 2, page. 480-481, Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al-‘Uthaimeen.

Ibn Qayyim on Lowering the Gaze

Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله) stated:

“There are numerous benefits in lowering the gaze: one is saving the heart from the pain of grief and sorrow. For indeed the one who looks to and fro, his sorrow persists. Thus, the most harmful thing upon the heart is a roving eye. For it shows one that which increases and intensifies his desire, and he cannot abstain from it, unable to obtain it; and that is the utmost of his pain and agony.”

Rawdah al-Muhibbīn (Dar Kutub al-‘Ilmiyyah, 1403 AH/1983 CE), 97 


Source:, 12/27/16, 5:14PM 

Monday, December 18, 2017

The 2017 Salafi Publications Winter Conference on the 24th (Sunday)-25th (Monday)-26th (Tuesday) December in Birmingham, UK

Note: Also,Ustaadh Abdulilah Lahmami (hafidhahullaah) has been added to the list of speakers in shaa Allaah

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Random Quote of the Day

Salman al-Farisi said:

For me to die and to be resurrected, then to die again and to be resurrected, and to again die and to be resurrected, is more beloved to me than some stranger seeing my private parts.

az-Zuhd by Imam Ahmad, p.835


Source:, 12/16/17, 4:08 PM

Those who deserve to be slapped

Bakr Al Muzani (106ه) may Allah have mercy upon him said:

The person most deserving a slap is the person who eats food he was not invited to.

The person most deserving two slaps is the person who says to the homeowner “sit right here”.

The person most deserving three slaps is the person who says to the homeowner “call your wife to come with us”.

التطفيل الخطيب البغدادي

Translated by Rasheed ibn Estes Barbee


Source:, 1/2/17, 6:09 PM  

The Belief Of The Salaf & People Of Hadith (Winter Seminar @ Masjid As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah - Dec.22-25,2017)

Saturday, December 16, 2017

How The Salaf Would Deal With The Fitnah of Strange Women - Trans. by Aboo Haatim Farooq (hafidhahullaah)

How The Salaf Would Deal With The Fitnah of Strange Women

Al-Imaam Al-Haafidh Ahmad bin ‘Abdillaah bin Saalih Abil-Hasan Al-‘Ijlee (d.261H)

Taken from: Ta’reekh Ath-Thiqaat of Al-‘Ijlee (Daar ul kutub al-‘ilmiyyah) p.321-323

Trans Aboo Haatim Muhammad Farooq

Al-Imaam Al-‘Ijlee (rahimahullaah) said:

There was once a beautiful married woman who resided in Makkah. So one day she looked at her face in the mirror and said to her husband:

‘Do you see that there is anyone who would look at this face and not be put to trial due to it?’

So he replied:


So she said:


He said:

“Ubaid bin ‘Umayr.’1

So she said:

‘So give me permission  then to approach him – such that I may put him to trial.’

So he said:

‘I grant you permission!’

So she came to him in the guise of a woman seeking a fatwa (religious verdict). So he went with her to a corner in the Masjid Al-Haraam. So she disclosed (unveiled) a part of herself like that of a half a moon. So he said to her:

‘O Amatullaah!’2

So she said:

‘Indeed I have been put to trial because of you; so look into my affair.’

So he replied:

‘Indeed I am going to ask you something; so if you are truthful in it – then I shall look into your affair.’

She said:

‘You will not ask me anything except that I shall be truthful to you.’

So he said:

‘Tell me; if the Angel of Death came to you in order to take your soul. Would it then please you that I had fulfilled for you this request?’

She said:

‘By Allaah; no.’

So he said:

‘You have spoken the truth.’

He then said:

‘If when you are entered into your grave ; and you are sat up for questioning. Would it  then please you that I had indeed fulfilled for you  this request?’

She said:

‘By Allaah; no.’

So he said:

‘You have spoken the truth.’

He then said:

‘When the people are given their books; and you do not yet know whether you are to be given your book in your right hand or in your left. Would it then please you that I had fulfilled for you this request?’

She said:

‘By Allaah; no.’

So he said:

‘You have spoken the truth.’

He then said:

‘When you would want to cross The Bridge (in the Hereafter); and you do not know whether you will advance (upon it) or that you will not advance. Would it then please you that I had fulfilled for you this request?’

She said:

‘By Allaah; no.’

So he said:

‘You have spoken the truth.’

He then said:

‘If then when The Scales are brought forth; and you likewise  are brought forth - and you do not know whether they are going to be light or heavy. Would it then please you that I had fulfilled for you this request?’ 

She said:

’By Allaah; no.’ So he said: ’You have spoken the truth.

 He then said:

‘If when you are standing before Allaah for questioning. Would it then please you that I had fulfilled for you this request?’

She said:

‘By Allaah; no.’

So he said:

‘You have spoken the truth.’

He then said:

‘Fear Allaah O Amatullaah, for indeed Allaah has endowed blessing upon you – and has shown you excellence.’

Then the woman returned to her husband, so he asked her:

‘What did you do?’

She said:

‘You are idle (inactive) – we are idle, so I have instead turned to praying and fasting and worshipping.’

Thereafter her husband would say:

‘What’s with me and ‘Ubaid bin ‘Umayr – he’s corrupted my wife. Every night she used to be like a newlywed; but now he’s turned her into a Nun.’

1 He was ‘Ubaid bin ‘Umayr Ibn Qataadah bin Sa’eed bin ‘Aamir bin Junda’ bin Laith Al-Laithee Al-Junda’ee Al-Makee – Aboo ‘Aasim the judge of the people of Makkah; the admonisher; the Mufasir (Scholar of Tafseer) the possessor of great dignity. He was born in the lifetime of Allaahs Messenger (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) and was from the Thiqaat (trustworthy ones) of the Taabieen and from amongst their Imaams in Makkah. He narrated from: his father* (who was a companion) and from: Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, Alee, Ubayy bin Kaab, Abee Dharr, Aaishah, Umm Salamah, Abee Moosa Al-Asharee, Abee Hurairah, Abee Saeed (Al-Khudree), Ibn Abbaas and others.

Those that narrate from him include: his son Abdullaah bin Ubaid*, Ataa bin Abee Rabaah, Mujaahid, Ibn Abee Mulaikah, Amr bin Deenar, Abdul-Azeez bin Rufai, Abuz-Zubair and a great many others.

Yahyaa bin Maeen and Aboo Zurah declared him to be thiqah (trustworthy), Al-Ijlee said; The Makee; the Taaabiee thiqah. Abdullaah ibn Umar would sit in his gatherings and say: To Allaah is attributed the goodness of Ibn Qataadah; for that which he comes with.

Ibn Saad mentions: Al-Fadl bin Dukain informed us saying: Aboo Bakr bin Iyyaash narrated to us from Abdil-Maalik from Ataa who said: Myself and Ubaid bin Umayr entered upon Aaishah, so she said: who is this? he replied: I am Ubaid bin Umayr. So she said: The admonisher of the people of Makkah? So he said: yes so she replied: be light/gentle; for indeed the reminder  is heavy. (Meaning: if you admonish).

Abee Naeem Al-Asbahaanee said: Aboo Haamid bin Jablah narrated to us that Muhammad bin Ishaaq Ath-Thaqafee narrated to us that Yoosuf bin Moosaa narrated to us that Jareer narrated to us from Al-Amash from Abee Sufyaan who said: Abdullaah bin Az-Zubair once met  Ubaid bin Umayr, so he said: Your affair/prestige is not small O Abba Aasim.

It is reported from Mujaahid that he said: We are honoured  to have amongst the Taabieen four people: (our reciter) Abdullaah bin Saaib, (our Muftee) Ibn Abbaas, (our muadhin) Aboo Mahdhoorah, (and our judge) Ubaid bin Umayr meaning from the people of Makkah.

From his speech:were the grave to be given a tongue it would say: O son of Aadam; how could you forget me? Did you not know that I am the abode of decay! And the abode of worms! And the abode of desolation and the abode of loneliness!

He passed away a little while before the passing away of Ibn Umar as was mentioned by  Al-Bukhaaree, Ibn Hibbaan said in Ath-Thiqaat: he died in the year 68H as did Ibn Qutaibah in Al Maaarif

*It has been said that he did not hear (narrate) from his father (See: Tahdheeb ut Tahdheeb 7/71). (Taken from: Siyar 4/156-157, Tahdheeb ut Tahdheeb 7/71, Tadhkiratul Huffaadh 1/50, Tabbaqaat Al-Kubraa 5/463-464, Al-Iqd Ath-Thameen 5/543-544, Al-Hilyah 3/266-271).

2 Feminine for: Slave of Allaah. (Translators note).


For original, genuine & safe copy see here >>

The Importance of the Woman Travelling with a Mahram

Shaykh Sālih al Fawzān:

“From those things that protect from fornication is that he woman has been prohibited from travelling without a mahram, because the Fussāq (wicked individuals) will overcome her. If  her mahram is with her he will repel them and defend her against them. The mahram has with him esteem and respect… he will protect her from wicked ones. So if she travels without a mahram the Fussāq will covet her even more, and she is weak. Even if she is mutadayyinah (religious) she will be easy for the Fussāq. They will desire her and fall upon her, either forcefully or consensually. So the woman is weak and she is affected by temptations…”

Sharh Manthūmah al Ādāb pg 118, summarized.


Source:, 12/17/17, 12:35 AM