Saturday, December 16, 2017

The Importance of the Woman Travelling with a Mahram

Shaykh Sālih al Fawzān:

“From those things that protect from fornication is that he woman has been prohibited from travelling without a mahram, because the Fussāq (wicked individuals) will overcome her. If  her mahram is with her he will repel them and defend her against them. The mahram has with him esteem and respect… he will protect her from wicked ones. So if she travels without a mahram the Fussāq will covet her even more, and she is weak. Even if she is mutadayyinah (religious) she will be easy for the Fussāq. They will desire her and fall upon her, either forcefully or consensually. So the woman is weak and she is affected by temptations…”

Sharh Manthūmah al Ādāb pg 118, summarized.


Source:, 12/17/17, 12:35 AM