Wednesday, March 13, 2019

When is a person accountable for their actions? The noble 'Aalim Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzan حفظ الله ورعاه answers...

Shaykh Saaleh Bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan حَفِظَهُ الله said:

Age of puberty  is about Fifteen when angels start recording bad deeds.

[Taken from the lessons on Conditions, Pillars  and Obligation of Salah Shaykh ul Islaam Muhammad bin Abdil Wahhab رَحِمَهُ اللهُ Explanation by Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al-Abbaad حَفِظَهُ الله Taught by: Abdulilah Lahmami]

Translation: Markaz Mu'aadh Bin Jabaal

3/16/18, 8:34 AM

Ibn Umar would Shed tears! by Shaykh 'Arafaat al-Muhammady حفظه الله

ما تلا ابن عمر رضي الله عنهما هذه الآية إلا بكى:
إن تبدوا ما في أنفسكم أو تخفوه يحاسبكم به الله}}
صحيح / أخرجه ابن أبي شيبة في المصنف ٣٥٧٨٦


عرفات بن حسن المحمدي

Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both, would not recite this verse except he would shed tears: And whether you disclose what is in your own-selves or conceal it, Allah will call you to account for it.

Saheeh / Related by Ibn Abee Shaybah in his al-Musannaf, no. 35786

Translated by Abu Idrees Muhammad


7/4/15, 6:36 AM

Saturday, March 9, 2019

“Verily, your Lord is of vast forgiveness”. [53:32]

3/9/19, 1:30 AM

“Verily, your Lord is of vast forgiveness”. [53:32]

Had it not been for His [Allaah’s] forgiveness, the lands & servants would have been destroyed. Had it not been for His forgiveness, the heavens would have collapsed on the earth & no living creature would have remained on it.

Source: Tayseer al-Kareem  Ar-Rahmaan Fee Tafseer Kalaam Al-Mannaan. Publisher: Daar Ibn Hazm 1st Ed 1424AH (2003). Slightly paraphrased

Translation: Masjid al Furqān

What’s the First Thought that Came to your Mind when you Saw Her?

What’s the First Thought that Came to your Mind when you Saw Her?

Ibnul-Qayyim said:

It has been said: (True) beauty is that which causes the mouths of those who behold it to say: Sub’han-Allāh and Lā Ilāha Ill-Allāh.

Source: Rawdatul-Muhibbīn pg. 166

Translated by Raha Batts حفظه الله

Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Humility of al’Allāmah Rabī’ ibn Hādī (may Allāh preserve & protect him)

The Humility of al’Allāmah Rabī’ ibn Hādī

“Whoever finds an error in my books, articles or website, should send it to this email… 

I request from my brothers – the students of knowledge – to inform me (of any errors) during my lifetime, and to correct it after my death.”

2/3/19, 12:39 AM

 Translated by TROID |  

Shaykh Rabī’s website:

Allaah, the Most Merciful says: وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِينَ “And give glad tidings to the patient.” (2:155)

Allaah’s Messenger Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم said,

Verily, Allaah تعالى says: 

“When I test a servant from my believing servants, and he praises Me and is patient over that which he has been tested with, he will rise from his bed that day like the day his mother gave birth to him, (free) from sins.”

[Narrated by Ahmad, Aboo Nua’ym in Hilyah, ibn ‘Asaakir in Tāreekh, Silsilah al-Ahadeeth as-Saheehah no. 2009]

12 July 2018, 10:10 AM

Translation: Markaz Mu'aadh Bin Jabal

Arabic (Original) added by Markaz Mu'aadh

فضل الصبر على الا بتلاء
إذا ابْتَلَيْتُ عَبْداً مِنْ عِبادي مُؤْمِناً، فَحَمِدَني وصَبَرَ على إنَّ الله تَعَالى يقولُ: -٢٠٠٩
ما ابْتَلَيْتُهُ به، فَإِنَّهُ يَقومُ مِن مَضْجَعِهِ ذَلك كَيَومِ وَلَدَتْهُ أمُّهُ مِن الخَطايا،ويقولُ الرَّبُّ للْحَفَظَةِ: إِنِّي أَنا قيَّدْتُ عَبْدِي هَذا

(Transcriber's note) Updated: Wrong typo (Arabic)  ويقلُ  replaced by ويقولُ edited today 4/21/2019 @1:18 AM. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

When Visited By Calamities, Some of Us Rant & Rave When Reminded – Even With The Most Gentle Tone – About The Evil State In Which We Find Ourselves, Which Warrants Allaah’s Punishment Whenever He Wills. Let’s Ponder Upon These Brief Words of Imaam Ibnul Jawzi [rahimahullaah] - Translated by The Salaficentre of Manchester

1/5/19, 12:15 PM

Imaam Ibnul Jawzi [rahimahullaah] said: A thought came to my mind regarding the calamities, hardships and great afflictions that takes place in the world; so I said: Glorified is Allaah and free is He from all imperfections! Indeed, Allaah is The Most Generous of all those who show generosity, and generosity necessitates forbearance and forgiveness. So, how do we look at those punishments? I contemplated and saw that the presence of many people is as if they do not exist – neither do they study the evidences about the Oneness of Allaah nor do they abide by the commandments and prohibitions of [Allaah]; rather they carry on in their habits like cattle. And unless the Islamic legislation agrees with what they want, otherwise they cling to selfish interests. And after obtaining the Deenar [money], they do not care whether it was [earned] through lawful or unlawful [means].

They pray when it is easy for them, otherwise they abandon the prayer. Amongst them are those who openly commit great sins, whilst being aware of its prohibition. And it may be that there is a scholar with robust understanding, but his sins are grave indeed. So, I came to know that even when the punishments are great, they are lesser [in severity] than their crimes. And when punishments occur to wipe away sins, those [responsible for such sins] say: “Which sin is this for?” And they forget what has proceeded [i.e their previous sins]. An old man becomes so insignificant to the extent that the hearts become sympathetic, whilst he is unaware of the fact that this is due to not giving importance to the commandments of Allaah in his youth.

Source: Saydul Khaatir: page: 18-19. Abridged & slightly paraphrased

The Salaficentre of Manchester

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Random Quote of the Day

Qawām al-Sunnah al Abahānī (d. 535 h. رحمه الله) said:

وعَلى الْمَرْء محبَّة أهل السّنة أَي مَوضِع كَانُوا رَجَاء محبَّة الله لَهُ

“It is upon a man to love the people of Sunnah wherever they may be, hoping for Allah’s love in return."

[al ujjah fī Bayān al Maajja 2/539]

Trans. By  Ustaadh Aboo Suhailah Umar Quinn, 2/22/19, 1:57 PM


 :-قال قوام السنة الأصفهاني (ت ٥٣٥ ه) – رحمه الله
."وعلى المرء محبة أهل السنة أي موضع كانوا رجاء محبة الله له"
٥٣٩/٢ الحجة في بيان المحجة

Arabic source: @The_Salaf ) The Manhaj of The Salaf)

٥/٩/١٤٤٠, ١٢:ص٠١

Monday, March 4, 2019

A Nice Supplication by Imaam al-Aajurree [d. 360 AH] w/a Comment by Sh. Rabee':

9/6/13, 1:10 AM

Imaam al-Aajurree [d. 360 AH] supplicated:

May Allah make me and you, by way of His grace and generosity, from those who give life to the Sunnah, cause innovation to perish, strengthen the hearts of the people of truth and crush the spirits of the people of desires.

Shaykh Rabee commented (Explanation of Ash-Shareeah, 1/41):

I say and supplicate with the same supplication that he supplicated with, and I ask Allah to answer our call on Him. Certainly, He is near, hearing and able to answer [our supplications].

Translated by Abu Adam Jameel Finch

The difference between us and them!

Students of knowledge of the past

Ibn Qutaibah (271H) رحمه الله said, In the past, a student of knowledge would listen to learn, and learn to act, and gain understanding of the religion in order to benefit himself and others. But now it has become such that they listen (only) in order to accumulate, and they accumulate (only) in order to be mentioned, and they memorise in order to overcome (others) and boast.

(Ikhtilaaf al lafdh P18) 

Translated by Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis (may Allaah preserve & protect him)

24 June 2015, 3:54 PM

Sunday, March 3, 2019

This life is but minutes and seconds

Shaykh Abdullah Al Bukhari حَفِظَهُ الله: The life of this world is only a few minutes and seconds. Be patient. Keep yourself patient upon the Sunnah. Be patient upon the truth and be firm upon it. Strive to learn it and teach it. So that you may receive the reward Allah has promised. The Imams of the Salaf understood this life is only minutes and seconds thus they were patient and endured, in exchange for the eternal bliss which never comes to an end.

Summary translation by ibn Estes Barbee from audio (قصة مؤثرة في الصبر والثبات على السنة)

7/24/17, 4:00 PM

Trials and Tribulations Expose People’s Realities

Trials and Tribulations Expose People’s Realities

Allah  (سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَىٰ) mentions in His Book: {Allah will not leave the believers in the state in which you are now, until He distinguishes the wicked from the good. Nor will Allah disclose to you the secrets of the ghaib (unseen), but Allah chooses of His Messengers whom He pleases. So believe in Allah and His Messengers. And if you believe and fear Allah, then for you there is a great reward.} Aali Imran 3:179

Al-Allamah al-Sadi (رَحِمَهُ اللهُ) said: Meaning, it is not from Allahs wisdom to leave the believers in your current state of confusion, without clear distinction, until He makes clear the wicked (khabith) from the good (tayyib), the believer from the hypocrite, the truthful from the liar. Likewise, it is not from His Wisdom to reveal to His servants knowledge of what is hidden from them (i.e. by allowing them to know what people hold in their inner souls). For this reason, His infinite Wisdom necessitates that He tests His servants and trials them with different tribulations to distinguish the one who is wicked from the one who is good Tafsir al Sadi, Surah Aali Imran.


Al-Allamah Salih al-Fawzan حفظه الله said: and this is from the wisdom of Allahthat He tests the people of eeman with the people of falsehood, so the patient, striving one who is firm upon his religion can become distinct from the one who has with him hypocrisy or has with him doubt; so each can be distinguished one from another. If it were not for trials, the people of truth would be indistinguishable from the people of falsehood. Allah allows these trials to occur due to a tremendous wisdom, so if the people were left (without this), truth would be mistaken for falsehood, and a person would think that all people are upon the truth. However, when tribulations take place, the people split into two groups: a people of truth who remain firm and a people of falsehood who deviate and go astray, and this is so Allah can distinguish the wicked from the good, and that He pits the wicked against one another…We do not know the people of sharr (evil) except when fitan (i.e. trials and tribulations) take place; we do not know the unseen. The One who knows the unseen is Allah. We do not know the unseen.We have the notion that all people are tayyibeen (i.e. upon goodness). Why, because they are silent; however, when tribulations occur, the people of misguidance are exposed and the people of hypocrisy and the people who have diseases of the heart are exposed, and the current state of affairs is the best example of this…Sharh Fatwa al Hamawiyyah of Shaykh Salih al Fawzan.

And the Prophet (صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) said: The fitan (tribulations) will be exposed to the hearts of the people like a woven mat, one reed after another. The heart that takes them in will receive a black spot, and the one that rejects them will receive a white spot. Thus, there will be two types of hearts: one like a smooth stone that will not be harmed by the tribulation, as long as the heaven and earth endure; and the other will be black and dusky and like an overturned vessel that neither recognizes good nor rejects evil, except what suits its own desires. Collected by Muslim (144). 


Written & Compiled by Ustaadh Anwar Wright حفظه الله تعالى