Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Successful Ramadaan - Shaykh Allaamah Saalih Al-Fawzaan

A Succesful Ramadaan
Title and sub-titles added
Ithaaf Ahlil Eemaan bi Duroos Shahr Ar-Ramadaan pg. 119-120
By Shaykh Allaamah Saalih Al-Fawzaan

[The Piety and Humility of the Salaf]

When Ramadaan came to a close, the rightly guided predecessors (As-Salaf As-Saalih) used to frequently seek forgiveness, repent to Allah. The Mighty and Majestic - and fear that their (deeds) would not be accepted. They used to exert themselves (in worship) in Ramadaan and outside of Ramadaan ; afterwards they would be fearful that none of this will be accepted.

[How The Salaf behaved when Ramadaan was approaching and when it left]

They used to seek the forgiveness of Allaah and repent. So much so that it was reported that they would supplicate to Allaah for six months that He would allow them to reach Ramadaan. If he allowed them to reach Ramadaan, they would fast, pray at night and supplicate for the next six months that He accepts the month of Ramadaan from them.

[Signs that Ramadaan has been accepted]

Following good deeds with good is a sign that (this act) has been accepted, whether it is pertaining to Ramadaan or other than it. If the Muslim is in a good state after Ramadaan, performing many good deeds and righteous actions, then this is a proof of acceptance.

[Signs that Ramadaan hasn't been accepted]

If the opposite is true, and he follows good with evil, and as soon as Ramadaan is over he follows on from this with sins, heedlessness and turning away from the obedience of Allaah, then this is a proof that it hasn't been accepted.

Every person knows their true situation after Ramadaan. So let them look, if they are in better state, then let them thank Allaah, as this shows (that it has been) accepted. If their state is worse, then let them repent to Allaah and seek the forgiveness of Allaah, as this is a proof that it hasn't been accepted and it is a proof of negligence and carelessness.

[Do not despair of the Mercy of Allaah]

But the slave should not lose hope of the mercy of Allaah. He should not close the door that is between him and Allaah and despair at the mercy of Allaah.

“Say: O my slaves who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins). Do not despair of the Mercy of Allaah: verily Allaah forgives all sins. He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Az-Zumar:53)

It is upon him to repent, seek the forgiveness of Allaah and return to Allaah - The Mighty and Majestic.

Allaah - The Mighty and Majestic - accepts repentance from those that repent.

“And He it is Who accepts repentance from His slaves, and forgives sins, and He knows what you do.” (Ash-Shura:25)

And the peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad

Translated by Abu Abdillaah Hassan Somali



Edited today 5/15/2018 @ 9:07 PM

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Offering Salah when making Tawbah

بـسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The Second question of Fatwa no. 19045 (Volume 24)

Q 2: I returned in penitence to Allaah and made Tawbah (repentance to Allaah) of all my sins. I beg Allaah for forgiveness! But I heard that it is necessary for the repentant ones to offer two Rak‘ahs (units of Prayer) with deep concentration during which they experience no Waswasah (insinuating thoughts from Satan) and then to make Tawbah after this or during the Salah (Prayer). When I asked a brother of mine in Islam about this, he told me that Tawbah can be made without this; it can be done at any time and I do not have to perform Salah. What should I do? Please advise me and may Allaah reward you with the best!

A: Offering a two-Rak‘ah prayer is not a condition of a valid Tawbah. The conditions of Tawbah include giving up the sin, resolving never to commit it again, regretting having committed it, and returning people’s rights. May Allaah accept your repentance and ours. However, anyone who performs ablution, offers two Rak‘ahs and then expresses Tawbah to Allaah (Exalted be He) by regretting past sins, giving them up, and sincerely resolving never to commit them again, their Tawbah is more perfect and more likely to be accepted, according to the authentically reported Hadith from Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (may Allaah be pleased with him), who said that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “There is no person who commits a sin then performs ablution, performing it well,then offers two Rak‘ahs and asks Allaah for forgiveness, but Allaah will forgive them.” (Related by Imam Ahmad in Al-Musnad)

(Part No. 24; Page No. 310)

May Allaah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!

The  Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’

Friday, August 5, 2011

Leaving to say Du'a'-ul Qunut during some Tarawih Prayers

The first question of Fatwa no. 20815

Q 1: Is true that Du‘a’-ul-Qunut (supplication recited while standing after bowing in the last unit of Prayer) should not be constantly made in Ramadan i.e. the Imam can supplicate once or twice during the same night either in the first, middle, or last ten nights of Ramadan? Did that happen during the lifetime of the Messenger (peace be upon him) and his Sahabah (Companions)? What is actually followed in Madinah, Makkah the central city of Masjids (mosques), and Riyadh? If Du‘a’-ul-Qunut is permissible once or twice during Ramadan, please explain this to the Ummah (nation based on one creed) to be made clear in every Masjid no matter big or small.

A: Du‘a’-ul-Qunut in Witr (Prayer with an odd number of units) is Mustahab (desirable) because of the Hadith reported by Al-Hasan ibn ‘Aly (may Allah be pleased with them) who said: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) taught me some words to say during Qunut in the Witr Prayer. They are, 'Allahumma ihdini fiman hadayta, wa ‘afini fiman ‘afayta, wa tawallani fiman tawallayta, wa barik li fima a‘tayta, wa qini sharra ma qadayta, fa inaka taqdi wa la yuqda ‘alaik, wa inahu la yadhilu man walayta, tabarakta Rabana wa ta‘alayta [O Allah! Guide me among those You have guided. Protect me among those You have protected. Take me into Your Care among those You have taken into Your Care. Bless me in what You have bestowed (on me). Guard me from the evil of what You have decreed, for You are the One Who decrees, and none can decree over You. Truly, the one whom You patronize can never be abased. Blessed and Exalted are You, our Lord].' (Related by Ahl-ul-Sunan [authors of Hadith compilations classified by jurisprudential themes: Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Al-Tirmidhy and Al-Nasa’y])

(Part No. 6; Page No. 71)

It is permissible for the Muslim to say this Du‘a’ sometimes and leave it at other times, whether during Ramadan or in any other month.

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!

Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Offering Tarawih Prayer At Home

Q 4: The month of Ramadan has come and it is time to offer Tarawih (special supererogatory night Prayer in Ramadan), is it better to go and attend it in the Masjid (Mosque) or offer it at home?

 (Part No. 7; Page No. 202)

I am not an Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer), but a Ma’mum (person being led by an Imam in Prayer). I love to recite the Qur’an and prefer reciting to listening. Is there any sin if I pray Tarawih at home?

A: There is no sin on you if you offer Tarawih at home, because it is a Nafilah (supererogatory prayer). However, it is better to pray it with the Imam in the Masjid following the example of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with them). When the Prophet (peace be upon him) led his Sahabah in Tarawih on some nights until the end of the first third of the night, one of them said to him: We wish that you would lead us in Nafilah Prayer for the rest of the night. He (peace be upon him) replied: <Anyone who prays Qiyam (optional Night Prayer) with the Imam until he finishes, it will be recorded for him as spending the whole night in prayer.> (Related byAhmad and the Compilers of the Sunan through a good Isnad [chain of narrators] from the Hadith of Abu Dhar)

May Allah grant us success! May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!

Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’