Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Movements Of A Believer - Sayings of the Salaf (by Owais al-Hashimi)

It is reported that Al-Fudayl b. ‘Ayyâd – Allâh have mercy on him – said:
The believer speaks little and does alot, whereas the hypocrite (munâfiq) speaks a lot and does little. When the believer speaks, it is with wisdom, when he is silent, it is in deep thought, when he sees, he takes lessons, and when he acts, it is a cure. If this is the way you are, then you are in the constant worship [of your Lord.]
Abû Nu’aym, Hilyatu Al-Awliyâ` 8:98.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Fly Or A Mountain?

‘Abdullah b. Mas’ûd – Allah be pleased with him – said:
The believer sees his sins as if he is sitting at the foot of a mountain fearing that it might fall on him, while the sinner (fâjir) sees his sins as a fly that lands on his nose, he just waves it away.
Al-Bukhârî, Al-Sahîh, The Book of Supplications, Chapter on Tawbah.
Ibn Hajr quotes in his commentary, Fath Al-Bârî:
Ibn Abî Jumrah said, “The reason for this [fear] is that the heart of a believer is illuminated; so when he sees from himself something that goes against what he illuminates his heart with, it is very distressing to him. The wisdom behind giving the example of a mountain is that a person might find some way to escape from other dangers, but if a mountain falls on a person he does not survive. In short, the believer is dominated by fear (of Allah) due to the strength of îmân he has; he does not therefore feel falsely secure about being punished because of his sins. This is the way of the Muslim: he always fears and checks on himself, his good deeds are little to him and he fears even the small bad deeds he has done.”