Deviant Sects

بـسم الله الرحمن الرحيم     

Shaykh Al-‘Uthaymeen  رحمه الله :

The Hadeeth (about the saved sect) clarifies the meaning (an-Najiyah) Whomsoever is upon (the way) of the Prophet and his companions,he is safeguarded from innovation.

And (the statement) “All of them in the hellfire except one.”So it (saved sect) saved from the hellfire.So salvation here (means) salvation from innovation in this life and from the hellfire in the hereafter.{Explanation of al-Aqidahtul Wasitiyyah by Shaykh Al-Uthaymeen,p34}

Shaykhul Islaam ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله (died 728 AH) said:"So it is a must to warn from those innovations,even if it necessitates mentioning them (i.e those who carry them) and specifying them."{Majmoo' al-Fatawaa 28/233)

Shaikh Rabee (may Allaah preserve him) said:

Now adays many people do not consider bidah to be something harmful to the people upon bidah.By Allaah, it is a calamity upon those who have reached this state of affairs. His desires lead to him to [such a state] he does not consider bidah as something harmful to those upon bidah, even though the Messenger [sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam] said, “The worst of all affairs are the newly invented matters [in the religion] is a bidah, and every bidah is misguidance.”[Muslim 867]

And [The Messenger (sallal laahu alayhi wasallam)] said, “The Jews split into seventy one sects, the Christians split into seventy two sects,and this Ummah [ i.e. Muslim Ummah] will split into seventy three sects, and all of them will be in the fire except one; so they [i.e. the sahaabah] said, ‘Who are they O Messenger of Allaah?’ He said, those upon what I and my companions are upon.”[Tirmidhee 2641 & declared Hasan by Sh Albaani in Saheeh Al-Jaami 5343]

They [i.e. the saved sect] are the people upon truth – Ahlus Sunnah, the people who adhere to the Qur’aan and Sunnah, the enemies of bidah, misguidance, disbelief, shirk and all types of misguidance. They love the truth, and they establish love and hate based on that.[Source:Marhaban Yaa Taalibal Ilm’ page 22]

Shaykh Rabee 'Ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee (حفظه الله) stated:"The word of the Muslims will not be united until their minds,lives,libraries,schools,and methodologies are purified from innovation and the people of innovation."{Kashfus-Sitaar,pg.66}

Shaykh Muqbil b. Hadi al-Wadi رحمه الله stated:"It has reached me that Shaykh Ibn Baz رحمه الله said:'If the people of innovation were able to openly accuse the caller with committing incest with his mother,they would have done so."{Basha'ir al-Farah,p.69}

[1]Al-Haruriyah (الحرورية):They are Al-Khawarij* who rebelled against Ali radiyAllaahu ‘anhu when he accepted arbitration with Mu’awiyah radiyAllaahu anhu.These people gathered in a place named “Haroora” which is located at two miles from Kufa and named Haruriyah in this respect.

Al-Haruriyah split into twelve sects:

Al-Azraqiyyah (الأزرقية)claimed that no one (other than their followers) was a believer,and they declared all followers of Islam to be non-believers.

Al-Ibadiyyah (الإباضية) claimed that whoever adopted their beliefs is a believer,and whoever did not was a hypocrite.

Al-Tha’labiyyah (الثعلبية) claimed that Allaah (the Mighty and the Majestic) did not decree.

Al-Hazimiyyah (الحازمية) claimed that they did not understand belief (iman),and all humans were excused (for not believing).

Al-Khalafiyyah (الخَلَفِية) claimed that whoever did not practice  jihad  whether male or female is a non-believer.

Al-Kuziyyah (الكوزية)  claimed that no one was to touch anyone else because there was no way to know a pure person (tahir) from a non pure person (najis).He was not to eat with him until he performed ablution (ghusl) and repents.

Al-Kinziyyah (الكنزية) claimed that no one was to donate money to any one else,because there was no way to ensure that he was deserving of it.Instead,he was to save the money underground until the people of truth appeared.

Al-Shimrakhiyyah (الشمْرَاخِية) said that it was permissible to touch foreign women  because they were flowers!

Al-Akhnasiyyah (الأخنسية) claimed that a deceased person is not followed (held responsible) by good or evil.

Al-Hakamiyyah (الحكمية) claimed that whoever sought the judgment of another human was a non-believer.

Al-Mu’tazilah (المعتزلة) were a sect of al-Haruriyyah.They became confused regarding the ordeal of ‘Ali and Mu’awiyah,so they declared themselves to be innocent from both parties.

Al-Maymuniyyah (الميمونية) claimed that a leader was not to be appointed without the approval of those whom they loved.

[2]Al-Qadariyyah(القدرية):they are Al-Mu’tazilah and all those who agreed with them.Their belief is that Allaah the Exalted has enjoined the slaves to do good forbided them from evil.He doesn’t know His obedient slaves from among disobedient but only after committing the good or bad deeds.They are opponent of Al-Jabariyah.

As for al-Qadariyyah,they split into twelve sects as well:

Al-Ahmadiyyah (الأحمدية) claimed that it was a condition of Allaah’s Justice to give His servants full control over their affairs,and that He prevents them from falling into sin.

Al-Thanawiyyah (الثنوية) claimed that good was from Allaah,and evil was from Iblis.

Al-Mu’tazilah (المعتزلة) claimed the creationism of Qur’aan,and denied seeing Allaah (in the Hereafter).

Al-Kaysaniyyah (الكَيسانية) claimed that they were not certain whether actions (performed by humans) were performed by Allaah or by humans,and that they did not know whether humans would be rewarded or punished.

Al-Shaytaniyyah (الشيطانية) claimed that Allaah did not create the devil.

Al-Shirikiyyah (الشِريكية) claimed that all sins were predestined except  disbelief (kufr).

Al-Wahmiyyah (الوهمية) claimed that human actions and speech had no essence and that good and bad deeds had no essence.

Al-Rawandiyyah (الريوندية) claimed that it was permissible to act  upon any of the books revealed from Allaah,whether these books were abrogated or not.

Al-Minbariyyah (المنبرية) claimed that whoever committed a sin then repented,that his repentance would not be accepted.

Al-Nakithiyyah (الناكِتِيةُ) claimed that whoever broke Allaah’s covenant  was not a sinner.

Al-Qasitiyyah (القاسطية) preferred going after this world (increasing in wealth) over asceticism.

Al-Nazamiyyah (النظامِيةُ) followed Ibrahim Ibn al-Nazam in claiming that whoever says that Allaah was a thing then he is a disbeliever (kafir).

[3]Al-Jahmiyyah (الجهمية):This sect of people came out in the last era of Umawi empire.It belongs  to Jahm bin Safwan At-Tirmidhi.They deny the Names and Attributes of Allaah,similar to the extremists  of Murji’ah and Jabariyah.

Al-Jahmiyyah also split into twelve sects:

Al-Mu’attilah (المعطلَةُ) claimed that anything on which human attributes may apply was a creature,and whoever claimed that Allaah could be seen was a disbeliever (kafir).

Al-Mirrisiyyah (المرِيسية) claimed that most of Allaah’s attributes were created.

Al-Multaziqah (الملتزقة) claimed that the Creator (the Mighty and the Majestic) was everywhere.

Al-Waridiyyah (الواردية) claimed that whoever knew his Lord he would never enter the Hellfire.And that whoever entered the Hellfire would never leave it.

Al-Zanadiqah (الزنادقة) claimed that no one could confirm a god,because such confirmation may not take place except through the five senses,and that which may not be sensed may be not be confirmed.

Al-Harqiyyah (الحرقية) claimed that a disbeliever will be (fully) burnt by the Hellfire once then continue to be burnt through  eternity without feeling the heat of the Hellfire.

Al-Makhluqiyyah (المخلوقية) claimed that the Qur’aan was a creature.

Al-Faniyyah (الفانية) claimed that Paradise and the Hellfire would (eventually) vanish.Some of them claimed that both of them were not created yet.

Al-Iriyyah (العيرية) denied prophecy,and claimed that Prophets were only wise men.

Al-Waqifiyyah (الواقفية) claimed that the Qur’aan could not be confirmed whether to be a creature or not.

Al-Qabriyyah (القبرية) denied the turmoil of the grave (‘adhab al-qabr) and denied intercession (shafa’ah).

Al-Lafziyyah (اللفظية) said that the pronunciation of the Qur’aan was created.

[4]al-Murji’ah (المرجعة):they believe that Iman (Faith) is the name of testimony of heart and confession through tongue only .Actions through  limbs  are not the part of Faith.One group of them called Kaarramiyah says that Iman is only the confession tongue.The extremists of them say:”It is only the testimony of heart ,and Shahadatain is not be proclaimed.They say that committing sins does not harm Iman,and likewise good acts do not benefit in state of Kufr (disbelief).

Al-Murji’ah split into twelve sects:

Al-Tarikiyyah (التاركية) claimed that the only obligation that Allaah has imposed on His creatures was to believe in Him.So whoever believed in Him may behave in whatever way he pleased.

Al-Sa’ibiyyah (السائبية) claimed that Allaah (the Mighty and the Majestic) has left His creation to act as they pleased.

Al-Rajiyyah (الراجية) claimed that we must not describe a person as an obeyer or disobeyer because we could never tell his true status (as Allaah knows it).

Al-Shakiyyah (الشاكية) claimed that performing acts of obedience was not a part of belief (iman).

Al-Bayhasiyyah (البَيْهَسِية) claimed that belief (iman) was nothing more than knowledge,and whoever did not know truth from falsehood ;and that which was permissible (halal) from that which was not permissible (haram) was a non-believer (kafir).

Al-‘Amaliyyah (العملية) claimed that belief (iman) was action.

Al-Manqusiyyah (المنقوصية) claimed that iman neither increased nor decreased.

Al-Mustathniyyah (المسثنية) denied the permissibility of saying “I am a believer insha’Allaah.”

Al-Mushabbihah (المشَبهَة) claimed that  (Allaah’s) Sight was just like our sight,and that His hand was just like our hand.

Al-Hashawiyyah (الحشوية) claimed that every individual act of worship was iman in its entirety.To them,one who did not perform voluntary acts was just one who did  not perform obligatory acts.

Al-Zahiriyyah (الظاهرية) denied qiyas (analogical deduction).

Al-Bid’iyyah (البدعية) were the first to innovate things in Islam.

[5]Al-Rafidah (الرافضة)* they are the extremist  sect of Shi’ite(Shi’ah) who gave up Zaid bin Ali bin Hussain when he showed love to Abu Bakr and Umar radiyAllaahu ‘anhuma.They disregarded him in Kufa and adopted the same attribute  as they have done with his grandfather i.e.Husain.

Al-Rafidah split into twelve sects:

Al’Alawiyyah (العلوية) claimed that the message (of Islam) was supposed to be delivered to ‘Ali (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu),and that the [Angel] Jibril (‘alayhis salam)erred in delivering the message to Muhammad .

Al-Amriyyah (الأمرية) claimed that ‘Ali (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) was partner of Muhammad   in his affair (of prophecy).

Al-Shi’iyyah ( الشيعية) claimed that ’Ali (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) was the viceroy of Allaah’s Messenger,and that the (Muslim) nation became disbelievers because they pledged allegiance to someone other than ‘Ali.

Al-Ishaqiyyah الإسحاقية)) claimed that prophecy would continue until Judgment Day.Eveyone who acquired the knowledge of the Prophet’s Family (Ahl’ul-Bayt) was a Prophet.

Al-Nawusiyyah (الناووسية) claimed that ‘Ali (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) was the best person in the nation,and if someone preferred anyone else over ‘Ali then he was a disbeliever.

Al-Imamiyyah (الإمامية) claimed that the world would always have an Imam (followed leader) from the offspring of Al-Husayn (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu).And that Jibril (‘alayhis salam) would teach the Imam until his death.Afterwards a new Imam would take his place.

Al-Zaydiyyah (الزيدية) claimed that the male offspring of al-Husayn (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) would all be leaders in prayer (Imams).If one of them was present ,then it would not permissible to pray behind anyone else,whether he was righteous or not.

Al-‘Abbasiyyah (العباسية) claimed that al-‘Abbas (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) was worthy of becoming the Khalifah.

Al-Mutanasikhah (المتناسخة) believed in reincarnation of spirits.The spirit of a righteous person would exit his body (upon death) and enters a body in which it enjoys life.And the spirit of an unrighteous person enters a body in which it suffers.

Al-La’inah (اللاعنة) curse ‘Uthman,Talhah,al-Zubayr,Mu’awiyah,Abu Musa,A’ishah (radiyAllaahu ‘anhum) and others.

Al-Mutarabbisah (المُتَرَبصَة) wore the clothing of Sufis and appointed a leader in every time period claiming that he was the Mahdi of this nation.When he would die they appoint another leader.

[6]Al-Jabariyyah (الجبرية) they are Al-Jahmiyyah and all those people who follow them.Their belief is that slaves have no will and power to do good deeds and avoid bad.They are enforced to do all.Therefore,they are opponent of Al-Qadariyyah.

Al-Jabariyyah split into twelve sects:

Al-Mudtariyyah (المضْطَرية) claimed that a human does nothing,and that it is Allaah who does everything.

Al-Afaliyyah (الأفعالية) claimed that human actions were not controlled by humans and instead,we are driven to do things just like cattle are driven by the rope with which they are tied.

Al-Mafrughiyyah (المفروغية) claimed that all things have been created and that nothing was being created.

Al-Najjariyyah (النجارية) claimed that Allaah punishes humans for that which He did;not for what they did.

Al-Mannaniyyah (المنانية) said focus on what crosses your mind and act upon what you feel is most appropriate from it.

Al-Kasliyyah (الكسلية) claimed that servants did not gain reward or punishment.

Al-Sabiqiyyah (السابقية) claimed that whoever wanted to do something then let him do it,and whoever wants to abstain  from something than let him not do it.A fortunate person will not be harmed by his sins,and an unfortunate person will not benefit from his righteous deeds.

Al-Hibbiyyah (الحبية) said whoever drinks from the glass of Allaah’s Love,then all forms of obligatory worship are dropped off him.

Al-Khawfiyyah (الخوفية) said whoever loves Allaah then he is not to fear Him,because a lover must not fear his loved one.

Al-Fikriyyah (الفكرية) claimed that whoever increases in knowledge a certain amount then the same amount of rituals are dropped off him.

Al-Hisbiyyah (الحسبية) claimed that humans were all equal in all things.They each inherited the same thing from their father Adam.

Al-Ma’iyyah (المعية) claimed that humans acted,and had control over their actions.

On the authority of Anas Ibn Malik (radiyAllaahu ‘anhu) that Allaah’s Messenger said:”The Children of Israil split to seventy one sects,of which seventy were destroyed (because of their deviance) and one was saved.My nation will split into seventy two sects,of which seventy one will be destroyed,and one will be saved.They asked:”O Messenger of Allaah!Which sect will that be?He replied:””Al-Jama’ah.”[Ibn Battah in Al-Ibanah,1/224/248]

Ibn Al-Jawzi rahimahullaah said if someone asks:Are these sects known?

The response would be:We know of deviation and of the roots of all sects.Each sect split into others sects.We do not know the names of all these sects and their doctrines,but we know that some of the roots of these sects:al-Haruriyyah,(( الحرورية,al-Qadariyyah (القدرية),al-Jahmiyyah (الجهمية),al-Murji’ah (المرجئة),al-Rafidah (الرافضة) and al-Jabriyyah (الجبرية).

Some of the scholars said:The root of all deviant sects are these sects.(end quote)

Imaam al-Barbahaaree[d.329H] rahimahullaah said:'May Allaah have mercy upon you!Know that the roots of innovation are four.From these,seventy two innovations branch off,each of these have offshoots,so that they amount to two thousand eight hundred.All of them are misguidance.All of them are in the Fire except for one,which is those who believe in that contained in this book,believing in it firmly without having any doubt or uncertainty in their heart,such a person is a person of the Sunnah and one who is saved,if Allaah wills.(i.e.whatever the book comprises of,from the Sayings of Allaah,the words of His Prophet sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasalam and that which the Companions were united upon.[refer to:Explanation of the Creed p.76 by Imaam al-Barbahaaree

Source:Sharh Al-Aqeedat-il-Wasitiyah pp.144-146 |by:Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah & Talbis Iblis (The Devil's Deceptions) pp.55-63|by:al-Hafidh Abu'l Faraj Ibn al-Jawzi

Transcriber's notes:

*.Rawaafid/Ar-Raafidah call themselves Ithna Ash'ariyyah (the Twelve's or Ja'fariyyah.This sect was formed by Abdullaah ibn Saba,a Jew who appeared during the caliphate of Uthman.He claimed to have love for Ali and the Family of the Prophet `sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasallaam.They curse the Companions and declare them to be disbelievers,especially Abu Bakr,Uthman and the wives of the Prophet `sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasallam.They also believe that the Qur'aan is incomplete.[1]

Al-Haafidh Ibn Kathir reports the following incident,Ahmad bin Sulayman al-Najjad said in his Amali:Abu Mu'aawiyah said,"I heard Al-A'mash say;"A jinni once came to us and I asked him:What is the favorite food amongst you?"He replied,'Rice.'So we gave some to to them and I saw handfuls of rice being lifted and I couldn't see anyone [picking them up].I asked,Do these false desires (bid'aah) that are amongst us exist amonngst you?He replied,Yes!I asked,How are the Raafidah amongst you?He replied,"The worst of us!"[2]

Ibn Kathir said,'I presented this chain of narration to our Shaykh Al-Haafidh  Abu Al-Hajjaj Al-Mizzi and he said,"This chain of narration is sahih all  the way to Al-A'mash.

Ahlus Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah mention the Companions of Allaah’s Messenger with goodness.This is because Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wasallam loved them and instructed us to love them.

Allaah’s Messenger sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wasallam said:“Fear Allaah!Fear Allaah!regarding my Companions.Don’t attack them after me.Whoever loves them,loves them because of me;whoever hates them,hates them because of me.Whoever hurts them,hurts me and whoever hurts me,seeks to offend Allaah.And know that whoever offends Allaah,will taste Allaah’s torment.[3]

Shaykh Islam ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah said:The scholars have unanimously agreed that the Raafidhah are the most dishonest and untruthful of all sects.The quality of dishonesty is noted amongst them from their very beginnings,that is why scholars have noted them to be liars.

He rahimahullaah also said,”As for the Raafidhah,the origin of their deviation stems from disbelief,infidelity,and lying.They themselves state this by saying:’Our Deen is Tuqyah’ ,Tuqyah refers to concealing in the heart other than that which you tell people.This is lying and hypocricy as well.

Imam Malik rahimahullaah,said:’The one who curses the Companions of the Messenger of Allaah has no share in Islaam.

Ibn Kathir said at the exegesis of the verse:

“Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah;those with him are forceful against the disbelievers,merciful among themselves.You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer],seeking bounty from Allaah and [His] pleasure.Their mark [i.e.,sign] is on their faces [i.e.,foreheads] from the trace of prostration.That is their description in the Torah.And their description in the Gospel is as plant which procedures its offshoots and strengthens them so they grow firm and stand upon their stalks,delighting the sowers – so that He [i.e., Allaah] may enrage by them*the disbelievers.Allaah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward.”{Qur’aan 48:29}

…from this verse Imam Malik rahimahullaah established the disbelief of the Raafidhah who despise the Companions of the Prophet sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wasallam.He said:’They hate them,and whoever hates a companion is a Kaafir (non-believer) as per this verse.’

Abu Hatim said:Harmalah said:”I heard Imam ash-Shafi’ee rahimahullaah saying:”I have not witnessed anyone more accepting of falsehood than the Raafidhah.”

Muhammad ibn Sa’id al-Asbahani said:”I heard Shuraik saying:’I take the knowledge from everyone that I meet except from the Raafidhah,for they fabricate narrations and see it a religious duty to do this.”Shuraik ibn Abdullaah was the Judge of Kufa.

Abdullaah ibn Ahmed ibn Hanbal said:’I asked my father about the Raafidhah,and he said:”The one who swear or curse at Abu Bakr and Umar?Ask Allaah to have mercy on them and distance yourself from those who despise them.”

Al-Khal’laal said:”Harb ibn Ismail al-Kirmaani informed him that Musa ibn Harun ibn Ziyad said I heard Al-Firyabi being asked about one who swore at Abu Bakr,and he responded that he was Kaafir,and he was asked whether or not one should perform Jinazah prayer for that individual and he answered “NO.”

When Imam ibn Hazm rahimahullaah was debating with the Christians and they had brought the books of the Raafidhah to refute him,he said:”The Raafidhah are not Muslims,their statement cannot be held against the Deen.This is a sect that came about after the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam.It is a sect that is similar to the Jews and Christians in terms of disbelief and dishonesty.[4]

In the Saheeh,it is reported from Hudhayfah radiyAllaahu 'anhu that he said:"O Allaah's Messenger `sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasallam!Will there be any evil after this good?"He said,"Yes."I asked,"Will there be any good after that evil?"He said,"Yes,but it would be (tainted) with Dakhan."I asked,"What will its Dakhan be?He said,"There will be some people who will follow paths other than mine and lead (people) according to (principles) other than my tradition.You will recognize their actions and disapprove them."I said,"Will there be any evil after that good?"He said,"Yes,there will be some people who will invite others to the doors of Hell,and whoever accepts their invitation to it will be thrown in it by them."I said,"O Allaah's Messenger `sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasallam,Describe those people to us."He said,"They will belong to us and speak our language."I asked,"O Allaah's Messenger!What do you deem appropriate if such thing should take place in my life?"He said,"Adhere to the group of Muslims and their Leader."I asked,"If there is neither a group (of Muslims) nor a Leader (what shall I do)?" He said,"Keep away from all those different sects,even if you have to bite the root of a tree,till you meet Allaah while you are still in that state."[5]

*Imaam al-Barbahaaree (d.329H) said,"Whoever rebels against a Muslim ruler is one of the Khaawaarij,"has caused dissent within the Muslims,has contradicted the narrations and has died the death of the days of ignorance"[6]

The Khaawaarij are a group who first appeared in the time of Ali radiyAllaahu 'anhu.They split from his army and began the grave innovation of takfeer (declaring Muslims,rules or the ruled,in their view guilty  of major sins,to be unbelievers).The Prophet sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasallam warned against them in many authentic ahaadeeth,"They are the dogs of HellFire.”[7]

He  also said,"It is not permissible to fight the ruler or rebel against him even if he oppresses.This is due to the saying of the Messenger of Allaah to Aboo Dharr al-Ghifaaree,"Have patience even if he is Abyssinian slave."*and his saying to the Ansaar,"Have patience until you meet me at the Pool,*"(Reported by Bukhari from Usayd ibn Hudayr).There is no fighting against the ruler in the Sunnah.It causes destruction of the Religion and the worldly affairs."*

He also said,"It is permissible to fight the khawaarij if they attack the persons,property or families of the Muslims*but if they desist and flee then they may not be chased,nor are their wounded to be killed,nor set upon,nor may those taken captive be killed,nor those who flee to followed.

Know that there is no obedience to any human in disobedience to Allaah,the Mighty and Majestic.*[8]

Imaam at-Tahawi (d.321H) said:"And we do not hold rebelling against our rulers and those in authority over our affairs.Even if they oppress.And we do not make supplication against them.And we do not take our hand away from obedience to them.And we hold that obedience to them is a part of obedience to Allaah,the Mighty and Majestic,an obligation as long as they do not command with something sinful.And we make supplication for them that they be rectified and kept safe and secure.And we follow the Sunnah and the Jamaa'ah (the united body upon the truth)and we avoid seperation and differing and splitting."[9]

And Ibn Abil-Izz (d.731H) said in his explanation of Aqeedah at-Tahawiyyah."And as for adhering to obedience to them (the Rulers),even if they commit oppression,then this is because the evils and harms that arise on account of rebelling against them is numerous times more than that which occurs as a result of the oppression of the Rulers themselves.Rather,in having patience over their oppression there is expiation of sins,and a multiplication of the reward.For Allaah did not empower them over us,except due to the corruption in our actions,and 'the recompense for an action is its like (al-jazaa'u min jins il-amal).Hence,it is upon us to strive (ijtihaad) in seeking forgiveness,making repentance and rectification of our actions."[10]

Abu Bakr al-Aajurree (d.360H) said,"It is not fitting for the one who sees the uprising of a khaarijee who has revolted against the Imaam,whether he is a just or oppressive - so this person has revolted and gathered a group behind him,has pulled out his sword and has made the killing of Muslims,it is not fitting for the one who sees this,that he becomes deceived by this person's recitation of the Qur'aan,the length of his standing in the prayer,nor his constant fasting or his good and excellent words in knowledge when (it is clear to him that) this person's way and methodology (madhhab) is that of the Khawaarij."[11]

And Ibn Al-Qayyim (d.751H) said,"And as for Imaam Maalik,then Ibn Al Qaasim said,"I heard Maalik say,"Indeed there are a people who desire worship but squander the knowledge(being deprived of it) so they revolt against the Ummah of Muhammad with their swords.And if they have followed the knowledge,then it would have prevented them from doing that."[12]

And it is also related by Ibn Sa'ad:A group of Muslims came to al-Hassan al-Basree (d.110H) seeking a verdict to rebel against al-Hajjaj.
*So they said,"O Abu Sa'eed!What do you say about fighting this oppressor who has unlawfully spilt blood and unlawfully taken wealth and did this and that?"So al-Hasan said,"I hold that he should not be fought.If this is the punishment of from Allaah,then you will not be able to remove it by your swords.If this is a trial from Allaah,then be patient until Allaah's judgment comes,and He is the best of judges."So they left al-Hasan,disagreed with him and rebelled against al-Hajjaj-so al-Hajjaj killed them all.

About them al-Hasan used to say,"If the people had patience,when they were being tested by their unjust ruler,it will not be long before Allaah  will give them a way out.However,they always rush for their swords,so they are left to their swords.By Allaah!Not even for a single day did they bring about any good.”[13]

Also from  al-Hassan al-Basree:"Verily,al-Hajjaj is the punishment of Allaah.So do not repel the punishment of Allaah with your own hands.But you must submit and show humility,for Allaah the Most High stated,"And indeed We seized them with punishment,but they humbled not themselves to their Lord,nor did they invoke (Allaah) with submission to Him."(Al-Mu'minun 23:76)[14]And he (al-Hassan) also said,"Know may Allaah pardon you,that the tyranny of the kings is a retribution (niqmah) from among the retributions of Allaah,the Most High.And Allaah's retribution are not to be faced with taqwaa and are repelled with supplication and repentance,remorse (inaabah) and abstentions from sins.Verily,when the punishments of Allaah are met with the sword are more severe.And Maalik bin Dinar narrated to me that al-Hajaaj (Ibn Yoosuf) used to say,"Know that everytime you commit a sin Allaah will bring about a punishment from the direction of your ruler (sultaan)."And I have also been told that a person said to al-Hajaj,"Do you such and such with the Ummah of Muhammad?So he replied,"For the reason that I am the punishment of Allaah upon the people of Iraq,when they innovated and when they abandoned the commands of their Prophet 'alayhi sallam whatever they abandoned.[15]

Allaah,the Most High said:"It is He Who has sent down to you (Muhammad) the Book (this Qur'aan).In it are Verses that are entirely,they are the foundations  of the Book;and the others not entirely clear.So as for those in whose hearts there is a deviation (from the truth) they follow that which is not entirely clear thereof,seeking Al-Fitnah (polytheism and trials etc.),and seeking for its hidden meanings,but none knows its hidden meanings save Allaah.And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say:"We believe in it;the whole of it (clear and unclear Verses) are from our Lord."And none receive admonition except men of understanding."{Al-Imraan:7}

These verses are from the greatest proofs and its meaning had been given in the hadeeth:

It is authentically reported from the hadeeth of Aa'isha radiyAllaahu 'anha that she said:"I asked the Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasallam regarding His saying:"So as for those in whose hearts there is a deviation (from the truth) they follow that which is not entirely clear thereof,seeking Al-Fitnah (polytheism and trials,etc.),and seeking for its hidden meanings..."{Al-Imraan:7).He sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasallam) said:When you see them,you should recognize them."

It is also authentically transmitted from her that she said regarding the verse:"It is He Who has sent down to you (Muhammad) the Book (this Qur'aan)..."to the end of the verse.And the Messenger sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasallam said:"When you see those who follow that which is not entirely clear in it;those are the people mentioned by Allaah;beware of them![16]

It is reported from Aboo Gaalib,Harooz
*that he said:"I was in Shaam (Ancient Syria) and Al-Muhallib dispatched seventy amongst the leaders of the Khawaarij.When they set out on the route to Damascus,while I was at the top of my house,Aboo Umaamah passed by and I came down and followed him.When he saw them,he shed tears and said:"Subhanallaah (Glorious is Allaah)!See what the Shaytaan does with the children of Adam - he said thrice - the dogs of the Fire,the dogs of the Fire,the worst of the slain under the heavens - thrice - the best of the slain are those whom they kill and glad tidings for the one who fights them or they fight."

Then he turned towards me and said;"O Aboo Gaalib,you leave in land wherein they are many,I ask Allaah's protection for you from them."I said:I saw you weeping when you saw them?He said:"I wept out of mercy when I see that they are from the people of Islaam.
Have you read Surah Al-Imraan?I replied:Yes,then he read"I is He Who has sent down to you (Muhammad) ther Book (this Qur'aan).In it are Verses that are entirely clear,they are the foundations of the Book.."until he reached:"...but none knows its hidden meanings save Allaah..."(Al-Imraan:7);those people have deviations in their hearts and they were lead astray.

Then he read:"And be not as those who divided and differed:"And be not those who divided and differed amomg themselves after the clear proofs had come them..."until his saying:"...they will be in Allaah's Mercy (Paradise) therein they shall dwell forever."(Al-Imraan:107).I said:Are they those described,Aboo Umamaah?He said:'Yes."I said:Are you expressing your opinion or this is something you have heard from the Prophet sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasallam?He said (If I have spoken from my opinion),then I would have been audacious!I have heard it from Allaah's Messenger sallAllaahu alayhi wasallam;not once,not twice - until he mentioned seven.Then he said;'The Children of Israel were divided into seventy-one sects and this Ummah will exceed that by a sect of all which will be in the Fire except As-Sawaad Al-A'zam*.I said:Do you not see what they did?He said:he is only responsible for the duty placed on you."{An-Noor:54}[17]

From this Hadeeth,it became clear that they were from the people of innovation because Aboo Umaamah radiy Allaahu 'anhu considered the Khawaarij inclusive based on the generality of the verse,and that it was revealed regarding them.

Abu Said Al-Khudri radiy Allaahu 'anhu narrated:I heard Allaah's Apostle sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasallam saying,"There will appear some people among you whose prayer will make you look down upon yours,and whose fasting will make you look down upon yours,but they will recite the Qur'aan which will not exceed their throats (they will not act on it) and they will go out of Islam as an arrow goes out through the game whereupon the archer would examine the arrowhead but see nothing,and look at the unfeathered arrow but see nothing,and look at the arrow feathers but see nothing,and finally he suspects to find something in the lower part of the arrow”[18]

Ali radiyAllaaahu 'anhu narrated:"I relate the traditions of Allaah's Apostle to you for I would rather fall from the sky than attribute something to him falsely.But when I tell you a thing which is between you and me,then no doubt,war is guile.I heard Allaah's Apostle saying,"In the last days of this world there will appear some young foolish people who will use (in their claim) the best speech of all people (i.e. the Qur'aan)and they will abandon Islam as an arrow going through the game.Their belief will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have practically no belief),so wherever you meet them,kill them,for who kills them shall get a reward on the Day of Resurrection."[19]

Ibn Mas'ud `radiyAllaahu 'anhu narrated that the Messenger of Allaah sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasallam drew a line for us,then he said,'This is the Path of Allaah,'then he drew lines branching off from its right and its left.Then he said,"These are (other) paths,and upon each of them is a devil calling to them.'Then he recited,"And verily,this is My Path,so follow it,and do not follow other paths,since they will seperate you from His Path."{Surah An'am 6:153}.[20]

So,this Hadith proves through its text that the path is one.Ibn Al-Qayyim Jawziyyah (d.751H) said,'And this is because the path that takes one to Allaah is one,and it it is what He sent His Messengers and revealed His Books with,and nothing can take one to Allaah `Azza wa jal,except this one path.And even if the people were to come from every path,they entered through every door,then all of these paths would be obstructed for them and all of those doors would be closed for them,except this one path;since it is the one that takes one to Allaah.[21]

As Allaah,The Exalted says:

"And do not be amongst the disbelievers,those who split up their Religion and became sects;every party being pleased with what is with it."{Surah Rum 30:31-32} 

"Verily those who split up their Religion and become sects,you have nothing to do with them in the very least.Verily,their affair is only with Allaah,they shall be informed of what they used to do.{Surah An'am 6:159}

He also said:"And hold onto the Rope of Allaah altogether and do not be divided.And remember the bounty of Allaah upon you when you were enemies.So He united your hearts,so you became brothers through His Blessing."[Surah Al-Imran 3:103]

Abu 'Amr al-Awzaa'ee (rahimahullaah) (D.157AH) said:"Fear Allaah O Muslims and accept the advice of those who advise,and the admonishment of those who admonish.And know that this knowledge is your religion so look at what you do and from who you take (knowledge) from,and to whom you cling to,and to whom you entrust with your religion ;for indeed the people of innovation,all of them are frauds,sinful liars.They do not desist from their falsehood;they do not contemplate and do not have piety.They also are not trusted to not distort what you hear (from them),and they say what they do not know whilst they are speaking and fabricating their lies.And Allaah encompasses all what they do,so be cautious of them,accuse them,reject them and avoid them.For indeed your scholars of old and those upon truth and guidance from those who came after used to do and command the same.Also beware that you fall into opposing Allaah,aiding in the destruction of His religion,breaking and weakening His covenant by showing reverence to them,and what other reverence or respect for them is greater than taking the religion from them,and following their example.They (i.e. the innovators) also have those who deem them truthful,show sympathy and compassion for them,aiding them on what they do,helping them entice whom they seek to entice,and joining with them those whom they join with them from the weak Muslims,so as to have their same ideology and the same innovations that they practice.Sufficient is this in being a part of what they do!"[22]

1. The Creed of Four Imams,p.159.
2. Tafseer Ibn Katheer, Surah Al-Jinn,verse 1
3.Saheeh Sunan At-Tirmidhi of Al-Albani
4.Statement of the Pious Predecessors  from Shaykh Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah down to Abu Zur’ah ar-Razi selected from Fundamental Shi’ite Beliefs,pp.69-72|by:Abdullaah ibnMuhammad as-Salafi|Translated by:Abdurrahman Murad
 5. Sahih al-Bukhaari (3/1319) (6/2595) (3411)(6673),Sahih Muslim (3/1475) (1847)
6.Kitab Sharh us-Sunnah(Explanation of the Creed) points 33-34,p.42
7.Reported from Ahmad and its saheeh
8.Sharh us-Sunnah p.43 
*Its like is reported by Muslim (Eng.trans.vol.3,nos.4525,4526).*
*In another narration,Suwayd ibn Ghaflah reports that Umar bin Al-Khattab radiy Allaahu 'anhu once took him by the hand and said:"O Abu Umayah,I know not if we will meet again after today.Fear and obey Allaah your Lord until the Day of Resurrection,as if you see Him,and obey the ruler (imaam)even if he is a cut-nosed Abyssinian slave:if he beats you,be patient,if he robs you be patient and if he belittles you,be patient.And if he tell you (to do something) to the detriment of your religion (to sin),say,"I hear and obey,[but] my blood goes before my religion."Never leave the Main Muslim Body (Al-Jama'ah).(Ibn Zanjawayh,Kitab Al-Amwal article 30;Ibn Abi Zamanin,Usul Al-Sunnah article 205 with a slight variation in wording.Also recorded in other collections.|Retrieved
*Usayd ibn radiy Allaahu 'anhu reported that,"A person among the Ansar radiy Allaahu 'anhu reported that,"A person among the Ansar said,"O Messenger of Allaah!You appointed such and such person and why do you not appoint me?"The Prophet sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasallam said:"After me you will see others given preference over you,but you should remain patient till you meet at the hawd (Al-Kawthar in Jannah).(Bukhari and Muslim)
9.Sharh Aqeedah at-Tahawiyyah of Imaam Abu Jafar at-Tahawi,Points 157-163|Posted by:Abu Adil Muhammad As-Somalee
10.Sharh Aqeedah at-Tahawiyyah,(1/430)|Posted by:Abu Adil Muhammad As-Somalee
11.Ash-Sharee'ah p.28
12.Miftaah Daaris-Sa'aadah,(1/119)
13.Tabaqaat al-Kubraa,(7/163-165)
 *About al-Hajjaj:He was ath-Thaqafee,and is well known.Adh-Dhahabee said at the end of his biography,"We revile him and do not love him,rather we hate him for Allaah .He had some good deed,but they are drowned in the ocean of his sins and his affair is for Allaah!")(Siyar A-laam an Nubalaa,4/343)
 14.(Minhaj us-Sunnah of Shaikh ul-Islam,(4/528)
15.Adaab Hasan al-Basri of Ibn al-Jawzee,pp.119-120
16.Sahih Al-Bukhari,4/1655,4273|Muslim 4/2053,2665,mentioned in the book Essentials of Bid’ah under Text of the Qur’aan,pp.11-12
17. Essentials of Bid'ah pp.12-13 under the Chapter The Evil Of Bid'ah And Warning Against It|by:Shaykh Khaalid bin Ahmad Az-Zahraanee with Introductory Notes by Shaykh Saleh bin Fawzan Al-Fawzan|Translated by:Abu Naasir Ibrahim Abdur-Rauf.
 *Aboo Gaalib Al-Basree;and it is said he is Al-Asbahaanee,the companion of Aboo Umaamah Al-Baahilee.He reported narrations from Anas bin Maalik and Aboo Umaamah and Umm Ad-Dardaa.Ibn Sa'd mentioned him in the third category of the people of Basrah.See:Tahdheeb Al-Kamaal (34/171),At-Tareekh Al-Kabeer (3/134),Lizaan Al-Meezan (7/478).
*Shaykh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah in his refutation against Al-Akhnanaaee said:"The people of Sunnah and knowledge and Eemaan recognize the truth and they follow the Sunnah of the Messenger sallAllaahu 'alayhi wasallam.They show mercy to the creatures and are fair regarding that and they excuse those who exert efforts to recognize the truth but fail."They only blame those whom Allaah and His Messenger blame - the non-chalant regarding the search for the truth - due to their abandonment of what is obligatory,and the extremist following his desires without knowledge for his acting upon the prohibited.So,they rebuke the one who abandons an obligation or acts upon a prohibition but they will not do so until they have made the evidences clear to him..."(Majmoo' Al-Fatawaah 27/238)
*Literally,it means "the greater majority".However,its actual meaning is "those who are upon what I and my companions are upon today" as is in other wordings of the same Hadeeth.See:Dar' Al-Irtiyaab 'an Hadeeth maa ana 'alayhi Al-Yaom wa Ashaabee by Shaykh Saleem bin Eed Al-Hilaalee.(TN)
18.Sahih al-Bukhari,Book 6,Volume 61,Hadith 578
19.Sahih al-Bukhari,Book 61,Volume 4,Book 56,Hadith 808
20.Musnad Ahmad,4423,Grade as Sahih (authentic) according to Ahmad Shakir
22.(Taareekh Dimishq 6/362 by way of Ajwibatul Athariyyah by Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee p.75|Translated by Abu Suhayl of Masjid As Sunnatun Nabawiyah -Philadelphia,PA)