Monday, March 4, 2019

A Nice Supplication by Imaam al-Aajurree [d. 360 AH] w/a Comment by Sh. Rabee':

9/6/13, 1:10 AM

Imaam al-Aajurree [d. 360 AH] supplicated:

May Allah make me and you, by way of His grace and generosity, from those who give life to the Sunnah, cause innovation to perish, strengthen the hearts of the people of truth and crush the spirits of the people of desires.

Shaykh Rabee commented (Explanation of Ash-Shareeah, 1/41):

I say and supplicate with the same supplication that he supplicated with, and I ask Allah to answer our call on Him. Certainly, He is near, hearing and able to answer [our supplications].

Translated by Abu Adam Jameel Finch