Thursday, May 23, 2019

Following the Messenger is Upon Everyone - Narrations of the Salaf part 5

Originally published on January 11, 2013 by FollowingtheSunnah

2 – Abul Abbas bin Atta said:
Whoever adheres to the manners of the Sunnah then Allaah enlightens his heart with the light of knowing his –sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- Sunnah.  There is no station/status more noble than following the beloved –sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam- in his commands, actions, his manners and in following his manners in statements and actions and intentions.
[Taken from: Zuhud al-Kabeer by al-Bayhaqi (287) / ‘Tawjee al-Muqtasid’ p.5-6]
Selected from the article Narrations of the Salaf part 5, ‘Following the Messenger is Upon Everyone’ compiled & Translated by Abbas Abu Yahya (حفظه الله)
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