Saturday, October 27, 2018

The legislative ruling concerning parents forcing their son to marry a woman he doesn’t want to and if he refuses is he considered one who is disobedient to his parents? by Shaykh 'Abd Al-Qādir Ibn Muḥammad al-Junayd حفظه الله

حكم إكراه الوالدين ولدهما على نكاح من لا يريد؟ وإذا رفض هل يكون عاقًا؟
قال الإمام ابن تيمية:
[وليس للأبوين إلزام الولد بنكاح من لا يريد، فإن امتنع فلا يكون عاقًا،
كأكل ما لا يريد]

"اختيارات ابن تيمية" للبعلي (ص:٢٠٠)

١١/٩/١٤٣٩,٩: ص١٦

The legislative ruling concerning parents forcing their son to marry a woman he doesn’t want to and if he refuses is he considered one who is disobedient to his parents?

Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله stated:

And it is not the parent’s right to compel their son to marry someone he doesn’t want to. And if he refuses, he is not considered as being one who is disobedient  to his parents, just like it is impermissible to force him to eat what he doesn’t want to.

Source: “Ikhtiyaraat Ibn Taymiyyah”, al Ba’li, pg. 200

8/4/18, 5:47 PM